Instead they referred us to the umbrella group for field sports - the Countryside Alliance.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Frustrations of hunter and hunted
The TUC, as the umbrella organisation for the trade union movement, is a broad church.
Chris Ryde suggested that the umbrella organisations appoint someone to help individual organisations with the fundraising.
Under the umbrella of wealth management we often find investment management, advanced planning and private investment banking.
Last year, several rebel groups under the umbrella name of Seleka started seizing parts of the country.
Meanwhile Universities UK, the umbrella body for UK universities, said it regretted "the BBC's approach in this matter".
This market also already fell under the umbrella of the Securities and Exchange Commission, when swaps did not.
The Met took the threat so seriously we were placed under the umbrella of the witness protection unit.
Noah, the umbrella body for animal rights groups in Israel, has been the main engine behind the case.
Yum Brands (NYSE: YUM) is the umbrella company of Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
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Under the umbrella of their joint project, When Work Works, they released the WorkFlex Employee Toolkit.
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The first way that IT is spinning out of control falls under the umbrella of the consumerization of IT.
It happens that the U.S. lets futures exchanges regulate themselves under the umbrella of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.
The attack was later criticised by the Rangers Supporters Assembly, the umbrella organisation representing fans groups across the world.
They include the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA), the umbrella body for the local voluntary and community sector.
The entire operation was part of Air Force Special Operations Command, but recently moved under the umbrella of Air Combat Command.
When Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLC appointed its first CDO nine years ago, the executive worked under the umbrella of the human-resources department.
Earlier, the commander of the rebel Free Syrian Army said his group would work "under the umbrella" of any new government.
BBC: Syria opposition names Ghassan Hitto PM for rebel areas
If 99.7 percent of all businesses in the U.S. fall under the umbrella of the SBA, who are they really speaking for?
Earlier the umbrella body for National League One clubs, First Division Rugby, had called the prospect of the new championship "financial suicide".
Much of the current debate falls under the umbrella of these questions.
He will face the opposition leader Henrique Capriles, who has agreed to run for the umbrella opposition group Table for Democratic Unity (MUD).
Those companies hiding behind the premise of their reality shows artificially operate under the umbrella of perception (as if everything were just fine).
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The Lius maintain full ownership of the umbrella organization, now made up of four semi-autonomous companies -- each run by one of the brothers.
Better regulation of managers and healthcare assistants was needed, while the regulation of all care functions should be brought under the umbrella of one organisation.
The other charges of conspiracy, securities fraud and insider trading seem to be under the umbrella of things one would do in NOT providing honest services.
They came together under the umbrella of Moving Design, a nonprofit coalition formed to translate into action artistic talent and a desire to do good.
The NYU Game Center, for example, started out six years ago under the umbrella of Tisch School of the Arts, as a handful of complementary classes.
In a variety of ways, firms turn the lights on, they start to look at all aspects of the business that fall under the umbrella of sustainability.
FORBES: Four Steps to Improving Profits through Sustainability