He joined fresh out of the University of Nottingham, where he got an economics degree.
However, Professor Fran Ebling, from the University of Nottingham, said that other potential targets might prove more fruitful.
The University of Nottingham says it will consider appealing after its plans for a wind farm were rejected.
There is no evidence for this, says John Beckett of the University of Nottingham, who has written a book on city status.
The findings were presented at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society's developmental section at the University of Nottingham on Tuesday.
BBC: News | Education | Children learn prejudice against disabled
By contrast, it was not until 2000 that the first large-scale British university campus was established abroad, by the University of Nottingham in Malaysia.
ECONOMIST: Rocketing demand is luring British universities abroad
Mohammed, Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning and Assistant Secretary-General, and Professor W. John Morgan, UNESCO Chair at the University of Nottingham.
The University of Nottingham has questioned the 'green' credentials of a local council after its plans for a 80m (262 ft) wind turbine were rejected.
After four years away studying politics at the University of Nottingham, Mr Broadfoot said his links to the community served him well upon his return.
Philip Dalling, head of public affairs at the University of Nottingham, said the university had no regrets about accepting BAT funding and stressed there were "no strings attached".
Professor Will Waites, a professor of food microbiology at the University of Nottingham who speaks on behalf of Cropgen, a scientific body linked to the GM food industry, was critical.
Dr Andrea Venn, lecturer in epidemiology in the division of respiratory medicine at the University of Nottingham, told BBC News Online the Australian research findings were interesting, although maybe not unexpected.
Wahaha in August signed a research cooperation agreement with the University of Nottingham in the UK in areas ranging from bioenergy technology to animal feed, robotics, electrical motors and food technologies.
The team, from the University of Nottingham and the London-based Institute of Education Knowledge Lab, looked at evidence from hundreds of academic papers, blogs and reviews from all over the globe.
Co-author, Professor Tony Avery, from the University of Nottingham, said there were a couple of examples where the patient just had not heard what the doctor said and was afraid to ask.
Study leader Professor Richard Grundy, professor of paediatric neurooncology at the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, the University of Nottingham, explained that radiotherapy in young brains could cause short-term memory loss and reduced IQ.
Steven Fielding, at the Centre for British Politics at the University of Nottingham, told CNN it seemed News International had decided the brand was so badly damaged that it made more sense to close the paper.
Professor Ian MacDonald, an expert in the chemistry of nutrition at the University of Nottingham, said PEDF was one of many chemicals produced by fat cells and it was unclear how they all interacted with each other.
Dr Matthew Goodwin, an expert on right wing extremists at the University of Nottingham who gave evidence to the committee, told the Today programme that there was a danger different extremist groups could end up engaging in violent clashes.
But during the trial Astra brought in a drug-delivery expert from the University of Nottingham who analyzed Andrx's pellets under a microscope with infrared and ultraviolet light and concluded they contain a third layer after all, thus infringing Astra's patents.
Professor Richard James, director of the Centre for Healthcare Associated Infections at the University of Nottingham agreed the evidence on transmission of infection from clothing such as long sleeves was not clear but short sleeves may encourage staff to wash their hands properly.
BBC: Hand washing is the most effective way of battling MRSA
Prof John Britton, director of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies at the University of Nottingham and report chairman, said people with mental health disorders might find it harder to quit smoking but that did not mean they did not want to stop.
Weightlessness not only sees animals use their muscles less, but causes changes in the chemical reactions within the muscle cells, explained Nathaniel Szewczyk from the University of Nottingham, who is the lead author on the new study in the journal of the Royal Society Interface.
"Not everyone can keep up with oral hydration so it is pretty routine to go to hospital and have a drip and wait for the thing to pass and keep yourself hydrated, " said Dr. Christopher Hawkey of the University of Nottingham's faculty of medicine and health sciences.
The latest NHS statistics showed for the first three months of the year 456 operations were cancelled on the day by Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, the highest number out of 181 NHS trusts listed.
Stuart Hogarth, from the Institute of Science and Society at University of Nottingham, has spent the past few years looking into how such tests are regulated.
Jeremy Moon is the director of the International Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School, in England.
Before the conference started, he was shown some of the world-leading research at Nottingham University on creating energy efficient homes.
Richard Wilkinson of Nottingham University argues that the really important difference is not how much money you make but how your bank account compares with your neighbor's.
"Online people feel anonymous and disinhibited, " says Prof Mark Griffiths, director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University.