The unwritten rule is that business is conducted in the public sector from Monday to Thursday.
He broke the unwritten rule that a Punjabi prime minister should be partnered by a non-Punjabi president.
Collett says fishermen are completely safe on Falcon Lake as long as they follow the unwritten rules.
The collision of WBC rules and the unwritten rules of the game led to the blowup, Renteria said.
Rick Smith, another instructor who works with Tour pros, told ESPN he believes Haney broke the unwritten rules of player-coach relations.
Getting to the top requires mastering the unwritten rules of leadership models in any organization, a collective body of unconscious reflexes and individual choices that H.
The combined shares of U.S. and European nations in each organization make it nearly impossible for a candidate from other nationalities to break the unwritten compact.
"Shipwrecks help to fill in some of the unwritten pages of history, " said Frank Cantelas, a maritime archaeologist with NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.
Riders who disregard the unwritten code of conduct become villains.
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What are the unwritten rules among startups in Silicon Valley?
The unwritten British constitution in this situation allows for the incumbent party, in this case, the Labour Party, led by Prime Minister Gordon Brown to seek a coalition deal.
The Japanese believed in the unwritten Samurai code of conduct, known as Bushido, which held that the true warrior was willing to die for the Emperor and would never surrender.
Take advantage of anyone whom you respect with good insights about the company, proximity to key decision-makers and a willingness to coach you in the unwritten rules of your company.
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By rights Noemi could have challenged but she chose to ride by the unwritten code that dictates that in such circumstances the lead right must give her teammate a chance for the gold.
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But if we are going to get ahead and create the impact we know we are here to make, we have to break the unwritten rules of what it means to be a change agent.
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The excited executive can be counted on to travel the country (at his own expense) presenting this letter to prospective sellers, with the unwritten understanding that he will be an equity participant and member of the management team of any completed acquisition.
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Orville Pierson, a former senior vice president at outplacement firm Lee Hecht Harrison and author of The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search, who is now an independent consultant, agrees with me that Signature does not appear to be a great deal.
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One of the great unwritten histories of the tech revolution is how hot new industries, prospected by innovative young companies, get hijacked by established companies that merely re-label what they already have to confuse the issue and then triumph through marketing muscle.
Career coach, consultant and author Ann Daly came up with a list of the Top 10 Unwritten Rules That Could Sabotage Your Career.
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The interest rate on the loan was less then what the grandchild would have paid at a bank, and the loan came with an "unwritten" understanding that the repayment term could be extended if needed.
Also at issue is the proposed inclusion of traditional adat, or unwritten laws at the village level, in a sprawling archipelagic nation of 240 million people where local mores can vary widely.
The Navy Seals usually respect an unwritten code of staying out of the public eye.
Deputy PM Nick Clegg argued that five years was "going with the grain of some of the founding texts of our unwritten constitution" - referring specifically to legislation which set the maximum limit at five years.
You will be the ones that are charting the course of our unwritten history.
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France and Britain are, however, probably excluded: the first because it had Mr Delors, and because it made such a fuss over the central bank, and the second because it has become an unwritten rule in Brussels that only a country in the single currency can supply the commission's president.
The Obama administration has unleashed a massive new regulatory push, with costly new health care regulations, a major expansion by the Environmental Protection Agency that will raise the costs of energy, and a slew of yet unwritten financial services regulations mandated by the Dodd-Frank reform bill.
Yet much of Dodd-Frank is behind schedule, with the bulk of it still unwritten.