• The Uruguay round brought both of these under the same trade rules as other goods.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of world trade

  • They are better prepared for the millennium round than they were for the Uruguay round.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • Rich countries cut their tariffs by less in the Uruguay round than poor ones did.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • Many had little understanding of what they had signed up to in the Uruguay round.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • The quotas will end by 2005, under agreements made in the Uruguay Round of global trade talks.


  • They are already committed under the Uruguay round to allow textiles to come in freely by 2005.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • Efforts to launch a round failed in 1982, and the Uruguay round, launched in 1986, broke down repeatedly.

    ECONOMIST: A global disaster

  • The previous talks, known as the Uruguay round, went through lots of brinkmanship and delays before they were completed.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and poverty

  • In the Uruguay round, pushed by America, countries agreed to cut and set ceilings on their trade-distorting agricultural subsidies.

    ECONOMIST: What happened to free trade? | The

  • Dubious computations also helped to usher the Uruguay round of global trade talks to a belated conclusion in 1994.

    ECONOMIST: Economic models

  • But they will prove difficult: squabbles over agriculture almost sank the Uruguay round.

    ECONOMIST: Fifty years on | The

  • They are already committed to dealing with some of the unfinished business of the Uruguay round, mainly agriculture and services.

    ECONOMIST: Trade

  • Although developing countries agreed to make deep tariff cuts in the Uruguay round, that is a gain not a loss.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • Since the end of the Uruguay round, agreements have been reached on trade in telecommunications, financial services and information technology.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of world trade

  • EU's unwillingness to negotiate on agriculture, developing countries are still digesting the Uruguay round agreement, which they feel gave them a raw deal.

    ECONOMIST: Trade

  • Yet in 1992, the president of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, almost scuppered the Uruguay round of world trade talks rather than cut farm spending.

    ECONOMIST: European agriculture is feeling beleaguered

  • The Uruguay round took eight years rather than the planned three.

    ECONOMIST: World trade talks

  • The poor countries showed themselves resentful at the problems they have faced in implementing the Uruguay round agreements, and this time they drove a much tougher bargain.

    ECONOMIST: The end of the beginning | The

  • It points out that the same ideas were rejected during negotiations in Congress on the terms of America's participation in trade agreements forged by the Uruguay round.

    ECONOMIST: Trade

  • But the tight and rigid timetable for Doha was designed to avoid a repetition of the Uruguay round, which overran by three years and still involved eleventh-hour horse-trading.

    ECONOMIST: Doubts about Doha | The

  • They seem sure to be bigger winners this time than in the Uruguay round, since agriculture and textiles (which between them make up 70% of exports from the poorest countries) loom so large.

    ECONOMIST: World trade

  • All of that, plus liberalising textiles and limiting anti-dumping abuse, would do much to help poorer countries, who feel, with some justice, that they got a raw deal out of the Uruguay round.

    ECONOMIST: Storm over globalisation

  • He claims (implausibly, say some suspicious liberals) that he did try, albeit unsuccessfully, to persuade Mr Delors not to let French farmers hold the future of world trade in the Uruguay round to ransom.

    ECONOMIST: Pascal Lamy, free-market Frenchman?

  • But the last round of trade talks, the Uruguay Round, ended in bitterness after the United States tried to force through the abolition of agricultural price supports against the fierce opposition of the European Union.

    BBC: World trade talks stalled

  • Agriculture nearly scuppered the Uruguay round altogether.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of world trade

  • Industrial countries certainly could do more to lower their trade barriers, but they have generally followed the schedule of reforms negotiated in the Uruguay Round (which admittedly phase out most textile quotas only at the end of a ten-year transition period).

    ECONOMIST: By Invitation

  • The Uruguay Round Agreements Act affords foreign works the same protections that American works receive overseas and imposes burdens on reliance parties, like the conductors, performers and publishers that brought the suit, that are consistent with the burdens their counterparts experience, according to the opinion.

    FORBES: 10th Circuit Brings Foreign Copyrights Back From The Dead

  • Still smarting from what they regarded as unfair treatment in the earlier Uruguay round of trade talks which were concluded in 1994, they moaned about the iniquities of past trade deals and focused on minimising their responsibilities in the Doha round.

    ECONOMIST: World trade talks: The Cancun challenge | The

  • The ministerial meeting of 1982 failed and the later Uruguay round of talks nearly collapsed, before being successfully concluded.

    ECONOMIST: Trade agreements

  • But they are already committed to negotiate on unfinished business from the previous Uruguay round of trade talks, notably on farming and services.

    ECONOMIST: Storm over globalisation

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