Tom Shaw argued that as the corporation's president, he was entitled to fire the violinist.
But when I go back to look for the violinist in Pershing Square, I come up empty.
He tells me he's seen the violinist around, but doesn't know the backstory.
The student-teachers may not have been punishing the violinist for just any moral failing, but for betraying his art by ruining the art of others.
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The prospect of peace in the Middle East strikes a personal chord with the violinist, who, while born in Jordan, is the son of two Palestinian refugees.
Ricky, by the actor Ricky Tomlinson, is currently selling in the tens of thousands, while former US President Bill Clinton, the violinist Vanessa Mae and model Emma Noble have all been talking about their forthcoming books.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | I'm a celebrity, get me a ghost writer
Produced by Glasgow Unesco City of Music, the Benedetti Sessions, from 22 to 24 March, will give string players the chance to play alongside the violinist, who was awarded an MBE in the 2013 New Year Honours.
Arnold Steinhardt has been the first violinist of the Guarneri String Quartet for 42 years.
Vivaldi intended the solo violinist to improvise so for a kick check out the jazz-influenced version with clarinetist, Eddie Daniels, The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and Bernard Rubenstein.
Earlier in the month, the writer was at Carnegie Hall for an all-Brahms program by the mighty Emerson Quartet, and he also went to the Manhattan School of Music to attend the final event at the Robert Mann String Quartet Institute, led by the longtime first violinist of the Juilliard Quartet.
Between the immensities of Beethoven and Britten came an evening centered on one man: the Latvian violinist Gidon Kremer.
Not to forget the solo violinist with a shock of wavy hair who sprang out of nowhere every so often to add yet another piquant element when least expected.
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It's a time-sucking hobby that's contributed to the loss of her job (violinist in the back row of an orchestra) and therapist ("Cyd, you can't grow if you're still immersed in an imaginary social environment").
The singer songwriter violinist pianist and guitarist says she doesn't come from a particularly musical family although her dad plays the guitar.
The contest also has an ambassadorial role for violinist Nicola Benedetti, who won the award in 2004.
He was a violinist in the group who sued, claiming the other three members mistreated him when they tried to fire him.
The revival of Clifford Odets' "Golden Boy, " a play about a young man torn between his natural talent as a violinist and the fast money and fame of being a boxer, earned eight nominations, the most for any play.
He performs the piece at New York's Lincoln Center with world-class violinist Guillermo Figueroa and The American Symphony, conducted by Leon Botstein.
They said the highlight of the season had been Sunday night's "Russian Culture Night, " when famed violinist Alexander Markov played the national anthem on a glowing violin.
Sitting at a table on a busy mezzanine inside of Manhattan's Riverside Church, one of the orchestra's rehearsal spaces, violinist Ronnie Bauch and cellist Melissa Meell look back at the evolution of the Orpheus Method, the egalitarian organizational principle at the heart of the orchestra.
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In writing an opera for young people around the ages of his own two children (who are 6 and 10), Mr. Bruce said he gave the work the same care and attention, if not more, as previous works intended for violinist Daniel Hope ("The Given Note, " a chamber work from 2011) or Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble ("Cut the Rug, " from 2013).
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The programme also features Scottish violinist Nicola Benedetti and Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja.
She was on her way to becoming a successful concert violinist, playing the standard 19th-century concertos and sonatas.
His drama "Golden Boy" about a violinist drawn to the big money of boxing, enjoyed a Broadway revival earlier this season.
In between, we see him studying horses in motion, recording the limp paws and coppery fur of a dead fox, and capturing the slump of a tired violinist accompanying a ballet class, all in preparation for paintings.
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The Waleno Trio is comprised of violinist Foster Wang, pianist Victoria Lee and cellist Anthony Sabatino.
The MP, who is vice-chairman and non-executive director of Sunderland Football Club, is married to American violinist Louise Shackelton and the couple have two children.
"Escher did a lot of drawings, but the ones we were thinking about were the ones with lots of birds or fish, " says Adam Barnett-Hart, the group's affable first violinist.