There may be more to the city than the church, but the church nevertheless remains a vital force in the local economy.
The SEC, long a vital and positive force for the markets, has a lot of hard and important work ahead of it.
"The SEC, long a vital and positive force for the markets, has a lot of hard and important work ahead of it, " she said.
The hope is that the ring fence, combined with other reforms, would make it easier and cheaper to rescue the parts of banks vital to the economy, and would force the costs of the rescue on to shareholders and creditors.
"The peacekeeping or security force in Kabul is vital in allowing the provisional government to exist, to prosper and to start putting Afghanistan back on its feet, " Blair told British members of parliament on Wednesday.
The air force is also vital to UPS' fastest- growing division, logistics, up 70% in revenue in the last two years.
Mr Simmonds said a team was vital in overseeing the county force.
BBC: Northamptonshire PCC Adam Simmonds defends staffing plan
Young people were such a vital force during the election, not simply because of their own voting turnout but because of their ability to reach out to their elders and persuade them.
Turkey remains a bastion of NATO, with the biggest army after the United States and a vital American air-force base at Incirlik.
European leaders are set to take a vital step towards the creation of a Rapid Reaction Force of up to 60, 000 personnel.
And while I will never hesitate to use force to protect the American people or our vital interests, I also promise you this -- and this is very important as we consider our next steps in Afghanistan: I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House
It will be denied vital modernization programs - the absence of which ensures the remaining force will be ill-equipped to contend with present dangers, let alone those in the offing.
Vital, life-saving information will arrive instantaneously from across the force and around the globe, in a digital revolution that just might transform the modern battlefield.
FORBES: New Radio Could Revolutionize Combat for U.S. Forces
The veteran midfielder had given Stoke the lead on Monday night but Carlos Vela scored three minutes from time to force a vital 1-1 draw for Albion.
Why you would force a subsidiary into bankruptcy was hard to fathom, especially when you might lose control of the vital spectrum you need for your future to others of higher ranking in the bankruptcy proceeding.