Even on a dry day, the MTA's 300 pumping rooms remove an estimated 13 million gallons of water from thetunnel network, just to keep the system dry enough to run.
Already in the planning stages: a 37-km tunnel to channel water from the Benus river in water-rich Pahang state to drought-stricken Selangor state, and a pipe to link the Gombak river in KL to the Wangsa Maju water treatment plant.
Murray said Thursday that if the miners survived the collapse, they could continue to live on fresh air, food and water supplied through the holes until crews can remove tons of coal and rock that clogged a collapsed tunnel.
At certain moments the air streamed against the ship as if sucked through a tunnel with a concentrated solid force of impact that seemed to lift her clean out of thewater and keep her up for an instant with only a quiver running through her from end to end.