Watch the waves pound Beachy Head Lighthouse and gaze across the English Channel to France.
The sand helps sea defences by reducing the impact of the waves on the promenade.
The waves of home attacks continued, but somehow Fulham kept their heads narrowly above water.
In the case of lidar, the waves are in the form of an infra-red laser beam.
The waves next to the pier have become inconsistent and oddly shaped, he said.
As for the waves after that, your guess may be as good as Mr. Schmidt's.
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The waves were big and Robyn got seasick, but they made it through fine.
The waves lapped more frequently on the sand behind my house, rocks rolling noisily over themselves.
Then, the waves' frequency is tweaked and the sample blasted head-on in order to heat it.
But even then almost two thirds of the crude will remain beneath the waves.
When swimming, watch out for the red warning flags or ask a lifeguard as the waves can be harsh.
In future they may also be expected to compensate people if their land goes under the waves.
Basically, the waves in the ocean have energy, and you use that to lower the temperature differential.
It seems though that the height of the waves became too much for the heavily laden craft.
Although we escaped the waves, a one year old hippopotamus 80 kilometers away was not as lucky.
The one thing that makes no sense to me are the waves of enthusiasm around Light Squared.
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Winds have been blowing up to 50km per hour, whipping up the waves to three metres high.
That area is just above the support level that triggered the waves of selling in gold last week.
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When times turn bad, most corporate investors disappear, and the waves they create crash violently on the shore.
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The silence was broken only by the wind in the trees and the waves of the bordering sea.
That power makes it easy to pop up onto a water-ski-size board and surf off across the waves.
Because fat can disperse the waves, overweight people usually need a higher dose of radiation in medical procedures.
As the buoy moves up and down on the waves, that mechanical energy is turned into electrical energy.
Because now that the last continent had been found and Britain ruled the waves, the possibilities were intoxicating.
At a surfing event in Nags Head, North Carolina, 15 young adults came together to tackle the waves.
For "Message in the Waves" filmmaker Rebecca Hosking, seeing the damage the bags cause was a life-changing experience.
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From a height of between twenty and twenty-five feet above the waves, they heaved the corpse into the water.
Sometimes, the waves hit in succession -- often the highest not being the first, CNN meteorologist Ivan Cabrera said.
For a few minutes we sat there quietly, listening to the waves breaking.
Stepan doesn't seem bothered by the waves of reporters that now regularly come at him after games and practices.