At college he fell madly in love with the only woman in his physics class, a dark and intense Serbian named Mileva Maric.
Lana completed her divorce and met and fell in love with the woman who became her second wife, in 2009.
My Policeman by Bethan Roberts tells the story of a woman who fell in love with a gay policeman having a relationship with a curator at Brighton Museum.
Again, the story of a woman attempting to impart wisdom gained from years of fighting in the dating and love trenches with little to show for it at the end of the war.
Here's a woman so clearly in love with the natural world, dedicating her life to killing a fly just because it's a nuisance.
It is based on a traditional folk tale in which a ghost falls in love with a woman and takes the form of her husband to be with her.
Based on an English novel by famous Indian writer RK Narayan, Guide is the story of a tourist guide who falls in love with a married woman.
Olivier is initially repulsed by America but falls in love with a saucy American woman, and hence with the country.
Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, 22, later said he created the online persona of Lennay Kekua, a nonexistent woman whom Te'o said he fell in love with despite never meeting her in person.
Based on a feature-length documentary Kavanaugh bought in 2010, about a man who falls in love online with a woman who proves to be a fake, the show is the highest-rated program on MTV.
FORBES: Why Ryan Kavanaugh Is Now The Most-Watched Man In Hollywood
Ms. SAMUELS: The show they're talking about was a show about an African-American woman in this interracial love.
Here's a joke only an accountant could love: A woman puts her assets in a trust and gives her husband the legal right to decide what to do with those assets--but only after he's dead.
However, with the support of his family, the efforts of his psychiatrist and the love of a good woman, he avoids the tragic outcomes that we unfortunately have seen repeatedly in our society, and he achieves a new beginning.
CNN: Opinion: Film offers 'silver lining' for mental illness
In the video, Mr. Du is seen demurring as the woman recording him demands that he proclaim his love for her.
This woman was the former lover of Mr Zefaj and, so the jury was told by Mr Ogg, still in love with him.
Republicans would love to notch up an historic first, and America is surely ready for a woman in the White House.