For the World Heritage Committee, this type of activity is incompatible with World Heritage site status.
It is then considered at the next annual meeting to the World Heritage Committee.
Petersburg will be held in the framework of the Youth Model of the World Heritage Committee.
The 34th session of the World Heritage Committee opened on 25 July and will close on 3 August.
The Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, Eleonora Valentinovna Mitrofanova, welcomed the participants pleading for the credibility of the World Heritage Convention.
The Director-General of UNESCO reiterated the position of the World Heritage Committee regarding questions of oil exploration and development at World Heritage sites.
Just on Thursday, the World Heritage Committee had accepted the request of the Malian government to place Timbuktu on UNESCO's sites in danger.
The World Heritage Committee also added four sites to the List of World Heritage in Danger, and removed the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) from this List.
All States Parties must present the World Heritage Committee with a Tentative List of sites they intend to nominate one year before nominations are submitted.
The World Heritage Committee will remain in session until 6 July.
Introduce young people to working methods of the World Heritage Committee.
The Director-General thanked the President and welcomed the proposal submitted by the Algerian authorities to host the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2013.
During the session, the World Heritage Committee will examine progress in the conservation of the 35 properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
The World Heritage Committee, responsible for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, comprises representatives of 21 countries, elected by the States Parties for four years.
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is one of the advisory bodies that help the World Heritage Committee decide on the inscription of cultural properties.
The World Heritage Committee, responsible for the implementation of the 1972 Convention, comprises representatives of 21 countries, elected by the States Parties for up to six years.
The 36th meeting of the World Heritage Committee, an independent body composed of 21 States Parties of the World Heritage Convention of 1972, continues until 6 July.
The consultation will be attended by two representatives (one boy and one girl) aged 20-25 from each country that is currently a member of the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee also examines reports on the state of conservation of inscribed sites and asks States Parties to take appropriate conservation and preservation measures when necessary.
After the evaluation, the nomination document is then submitted for consideration by the World Heritage Committee and may or may not be inscribed at the annual World Heritage Committee meeting.
The main points on the meeting agenda were the examination of the state of conservation of the five sites and putting into place corrective measures recommended by the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee, responsible for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, comprises representatives of 21 countries, elected by the States Parties of the World Heritage Convention for four years.
Present the World Heritage Committee with a detailed report on the state of conservation of World Heritage sites in Mali, notably Timbuktu and the Tomb of Askia during its next meeting.
The activity is in compliance with Decision 36 COM 10C, approved by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th Session that took place in St Petersburg, Russia, in July this year.
The Minister also reminded the Director-General that the proposal of the Ounianga lakes for inscription on the World Heritage List will be considered by the World Heritage Committee in June 2012, in St.
It will be opened by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, the Chair of the World Heritage Committee and Vice Prime Minister of Cambodia Sok An, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Sen Genshitsu, and other Japanese dignitaries.
The 34th session of the World Heritage Committee meeting took place in Brasilia from 25 July - 2nd August 2010 to consider nominations for the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger.
At the invitation of the Congolese Government, the high-level meeting requested by the World Heritage Committee in 2007 (Christchurch 2007) was held with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and Congolese Prime Minister Mr Adophe Muzito in attendance.
The debates of the World Heritage Committee are not open to the press but accredited journalists will be able to come attend the opening of the session and regular press briefings that will be held during the event.