Then you go to the hospital -- you get a third test.
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At the moment women can have them removed on the NHS but then have to go to a private hospital if they want them replaced.
BBC: NHS breast implant policy 'bad medicine'
My mother had one and Mr. Yeltsin of Russia had one and lots of other people are having them and then leaving the hospital after two weeks to go home.
CNN: What are you thankful for?
After graduating he spent two years as a trainee psychologist at a hospital, then dropped out to go into business.
FORBES: Beijing Hold 'Em: VIP Poker Seeks A Toehold In China
The ruling says Bryant indicated he would not go to the hospital, and the detectives then informed him they had a court order saying they could take him for such an exam.
CNN: Bryant's secretly recorded statement admitted
On Friday, the air ambulance will go first to the Ulster Hospital at Dundonald and then to Altnagelvin Hospital in Londonderry.
BBC: News Online
If these new doctor-hospital marriages fail again, then this time around the doctors may not been able to go back to what they were doing.
FORBES: Hospitals Are Going On A Doctor Buying Binge, And It Is Likely To End Badly