"Mr. Bush surely remembers the therapeutic effect achieved when, at his urging, then-President Reagan vetoed the FY1989 Defense authorization bill, " said Frank J.
"These data suggest that intercessory prayer to the Judeo-Christian God has a beneficial therapeutic effect in patients admitted to a CCU, " he concluded.
BBC: Prayers for Muamba
Ride 2 Recovery and Team RWB use the therapeutic effect of physical training to repair the physical and mental wounds of war.
WHITEHOUSE: The Changing Face of Veteran Reintegration
Ultimately, this leads medical providers to choose alternative medications which may not produce the desired therapeutic effect or appropriately treat a medical condition.
FORBES: Drug Shortages Compromise Emergency Medical Care
The other is the therapeutic effect of 96 hours in a willing suspension of cynicism, doubt and irony, as all these amazing visions are displayed.
FORBES: What A Billionaire (Really) Wants
Alas, the therapeutic effect has been undermined by the failure of the coach, Stuart Pearce, to select any Scottish or Northern Irish players in his squad.
ECONOMIST: Football��s woes
But gardening's therapeutic effect is not only for kids.
CNN: Pick up your shovel; grow a better city
Our commanders will soon be hard pressed to preserve today's deployments of American forces in Iraq, let alone to have them take up once again the sorts of positions in the urban areas that they held to such therapeutic effect during the surge.