The bulls argue that there are exactly two chances that U.S. debt could actually be downgraded: slim and none.
But Mr Eisner argues that there are some general principles that increase the chances of success.
Is there any concern that this hurts the chances of resetting this relationship, given that there are allegations that the Russians were spying against us?
The fat lady has yet to sing, and the chances are that there will be many more headlines featuring Messrs Murdoch and Redstone before she does.
While the code of silence and cloak of secrecy around patient survival and recovery remains the norm in most of the country, there are ways you can increase the chances that you will get better care, according to Makary, a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
There are other Duke family trusts for them as well, but chances are pretty good that the one-billion dollar figure is over-stated.
And are there any credible reports that there were chances to perhaps get access to this situation earlier that were missed?
And this year, there are a number of chances for leaders to do just that.
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But Hall says that there are ways to improve your chances of a sale if you have to list your home late in the year, like playing up holiday decorations and shoveling walkways to maximize curb appeal.
"There is a popular perception that the U.S. has scuttled the chances of peace accords, but there are no real chances of such deals, given the history of past agreements, " said Raza Rumi, an analyst based in Islamabad.
If there is something that we genuinely want to say, chances are there is someone who genuinely needs to hear it.
FORBES: Is it past time you engaged in a "Courageous Conversation?"
And so the chances are that if this continues, and there's no reason why it shouldn't continue, it will have a profound impact on the November election.
There isn't a close second, and the chances are slim that the Jets will select a player of the same stature with one of two draft picks (including a first-rounder this year) they received in this trade.
There are fears in the cash-strapped country that tourists will stop visiting and its chances of joining the European Union will drop considerably if it is seen as a terrorist target.
Not so for Owens, and there are no second chances for Cathedral either, even though the school is hoping (in vain) that the state athletic association will overturn the penalty.
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Ms. TATIANA DIVENS (Nobel Enthusiast and Freelance Writer): The chances of the West picking up a Nobel Prize in Peace are up there with the fact that I will get the Nobel Prize in mathematics.