There is no valid alternative in the near future to fossil fuels.
There is no hope "in the near future" of solving the murders of an Iraqi-born British citizen and his family in the French Alps, a chief prosecutor says.
Here too there is no argument, Apple was near bankrupt when he took it over and he was willing to do whatever it took to save the company even borrowing money from Bill Gates which had to be incredibly difficult. (Interesting thing is if you look back at the quotes from Bill Gates of Steve Jobs they are generally very positive).
From the driver's seat, my only complaint is that there is no distance-to-empty display near the digital fuel gauge.
However, as we all know, parallel to this, there is a process in the Security Council, and we had authorized the prime minister and the minister of defense to decide when to launch the ground larger-scale operation in the very near future if there is no other solution in the Security Council.
And with unemployment stubbornly stuck near 10%, there is no better time than now to relieve domestic workers from the burden of capital income taxation.
WSJ: Thomas F. Cooley and Lee E. Ohanian: The Bush Tax Cuts Never Went Far Enough
In this case it is BP, presumably because there is no evidence that George Bush was scuba diving near the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20th.
There is no hope for any hydrotreated fuel to come anywhere near conventional diesel or jet fuel prices.
FORBES: The U.S. Navy: Defending Our Freedom And ... Building Our Refineries
What definitely is new, though, is that in the near future there might be no western nation capable of or willing to police the Persian Gulf.
FORBES: What Happens When America No Longer Needs Middle East Oil?
There is a memorial to firefighters near ground zero that has no identifiable women's faces, but they were there.
Watch for a near term overbought situation, but there is no doubt that momentum is on the side of the biggest beer brewing in the world.
FORBES: Anheuser-Busch Running Like A Clydesdale To New Highs
No, no, that man who has stopped near the Coliseum is there purely by accident.
But there is no doubt, no question, that they do not address the urgent need for near-term economic growth and job creation.
"There is no strong evidence that it's a rubble pile like Mathilde, " the large asteroid Near passed and photographed in 1997.
There obviously is no change in hurricane energy that at all relates to warming, and it is currently near its lowest levels on record.
While the Company is cautiously optimistic it will resolve its short-term funding needs in the near future, there can be no assurances.
ENGADGET: Clearwire reports Q4 earnings: staff, marketing, stores, and handset plans all scaled back
Beyond his location (near Google) and the timing (we expect Google is working on this now) there is no independent corroboration of his information.
After all, two judges and the referee are always near the action, a fall is lost when a wrestler touches the ground first, and there is no offside rule.
Of course that should be done but to date there is no evidence that we will be able to generate enough energy from these sources to replace oil any time in the near future.