"There is no sense of whether this directive even applies to web search logs, " he said.
Inside Japan there is no sense of escape, no big open spaces, no safety buffers.
"Now in 2012 there is no sense of dutiful deference, " he added.
The challenge is that often these donated wells and water systems go into a state of disrepair if there is no sense of ownership.
"We are non-confrontational in terms of the events we put on, there is no sense of it being for one side of the community and not the other, " he said.
There is no sense of crisis circling sterling.
FORBES: Europe's Disintegration: It's Not About the PIIGS or the Euro
But at Supermax -- officially called "Administrative Maximum, " or ADX -- everything is very tightly controlled, with nothing left to chance, so there is no particular sense of a threat, no feeling of vulnerability.
CNN: Reporters get first look inside mysterious Supermax prison
Attempts at reform have been feeble and half-hearted, with successive Japanese governments apparently incapable of driving change, in part because there is no great sense of urgency either among the ruling elite or in the population at large.
Also (b) if we look at it from an economic viewpoint (as we do of most things, these days) then there is no financial sense in prolonging, e.g. my life, if I become seriously ill and incapacitated and I choose not to want to burden anyone.
Is there no sense of urgency in Washington, DC?
FORBES: The Fed Speaks But Will Congress and the White House Act?
For the same reason, I believe, that even the Modern's exemplary exhibition fails to convey the actuality of his buildings -- there is no way to sense what they are really like until you see them or are in them.
She said there was "no sense of crisis, but there is a sense of urgency".
"I think the reason Emeril popped out among all the celebrity chefs out there is a certain sense that there are no pretensions about him, " said TV Guide's Roush.
The BBC's Jane Little in Washington says there is a heightened sense of alert in the capital after the attacks in Boston but there is no indication so far of any connection between the two incidents.
There is no thought process that makes any sense to me in which Sprint would not want to regain control of that massive spectrum it contributed to Clearwire and that makes Clearwire valuable to whomever owns it going forward.
Add to this a generation of officials and politicians on both sides of the Rhine who neither studied at each other's universities nor even speak each other's language and, despite the tight institutional mesh that still ties the two together, there is a sense that the Germans no longer need the French as they once did.
There, too, it is important for all to understand that there is no solution to be found in violence and no sense in postponing the day when they return to the negotiating table.
There is no precise date on offer - but those with a sense of history in the SNP (and there are one or two) are recalling that the old pre-Union Scottish Parliament was adjourned on the 25th of March 1707 - as Winnie Ewing famously recalled when she opened the new devolved version in 1999.
The Internet itself is not being expanded very rapidly because there is no longer a business model that makes sense for those who provide the Internet backbone.
Among others still, there is the sense that this may be no bad thing, that only sustained international involvement offers the prospect of real peace, and if the Russians are really now working together with the Americans, their presence may even be desirable.
There is no reek of nostalgia about it, no sense that Mr Heaney is repeating himself.
ECONOMIST: The Irish poet's new collection is his best for years
There is no cure for addiction, in the same sense you cannot cure diabetes, but you can treat it.
But there is no suggestion that games are addictive in the sense that they create physical dependence in their players.
And that makes absolutely no sense at a time when there is so much of America that needs rebuilding.
"There is a sense of resigned expectation on the island because no one really knows how Cuba is going to get out of this hole, " Eusebio Mujal-Leon, a Cuban-born professor now based in Washington, told Reuters news agency.
So there is a cut-off height above which it makes no sense building, but hubris (esp. during a credit boom) makes people want to add a dozen floors too many, and credit booms also lead builders to underestimate the cost of capital tied up in those extra floors.
FORBES: Rising Skyscrapers, Not Rising Skirts, Indicate a Recession Coming