And when they do, customers want premium, attractive, stylish products they feel good about using.
You will get more from them, if they feel good about the encounter.
The Owners feel that Nelson could still rule for them and even if she does not, they feel good about appeal.
Prudential company officials say they feel good about the leasing prospects, and they don't want to cut rents and sign long-term leases at low values.
As a member of the Kiwanis Club of Garland, Texas, and an advisor to a K-Kids club, I wanted to find a service project that would not only be easy for the kids to participate in, but one that they could feel good about and know they had made a difference in the life of someone else.
Find out what kind of project they would feel good about, and tap into their interests and passions.
But strikingly, the pilgrims at the Mela told the researchers that they "feel good ... actually, more than good ... their language verges on the ecstatic".
BBC: Does the Kumbh Mela experience improve your well being?
That's to be expected, of course, considering we're dealing with lots of plastic and moving parts, and the fact they feel as good as they do while also dampening the noise is quite an accomplishment.
ENGADGET: Matias Quiet Pro review: a mechanical keyboard with less clickety-clack
We understand that life is stressful, that a lot of people are in pain, that they want the pain to stop and they want to feel good even for a moment, so they drink and spend and gamble and eat and smoke and it can cause enormous problems even as it relaxes them or allows them to get through one more day, or night.
FORBES: The New Graphic Warnings On Cigarette Packs Make Me Gag, But Not For The Reason You'd Think.
Not only does this assure them that they're in good hands, it makes them feel they're getting good bang for the buck, because we're giving them personal attention.
"I hit the first couple and just they were those shots where when they leave your hand they feel like they're good, and so I just kept shooting them, " Williams said.
More good news for tech workers: a majority of tech professionals (64%) say they feel confident they could find a good new job in 2013.
FORBES: Why Best Buy Was Smart To Hire a Hospitality Executive
In other words, a benefit concert gives the celebrities the feeling that they are using their particular skills to do something good, and it makes donors feel good because they become a part of a bigger pool of giving.
FORBES: Sometimes celebrities are the best people to rally donors.
"They won't support it if they don't feel good about it, " he says.
"They won't support it if they don't feel good about it, "he says.
And I've always looked upon it positively because I feel they're good human beings who have gone about their profession in the correct way and I'd like to emulate that.
Since many of the people who work on the Stripe product are users of it (half of them had already used Stripe before they joined the company), they have a good feel for what product improvements might be useful or important.
FORBES: Does Stripe Have Product Managers Or Do Engineers Manage The Products Themselves?
So the Swedes can justly feel that they have made good on their aim to crack on with the enlargement negotiations.
"When your patient says they don't feel so good, you might want to think about asking what other issues may be going on, " she said.
He does smart speeches that promise everyone everything they need and make us feel good about our country and how much greater our government could be.
In this year's case, sensible voters have a nuclear option at their disposal should they feel that's not good enough: They can vote for the supposed runner-up.
WSJ: BCS Championship 2012, LSU-Alabama: Should Voters Put the Tigers First for a Close Loss?
Companies horde cash when they feel there is not a good enough reason to invest in other companies, or in production or labor due to weak economic fundamentals.
FORBES: Like U.S. Peers, India Corporates Hold Cash, Not Spending
Everyone likes to feel good that they are avoiding some.
FORBES: If Soda Tax Can Make It In NY It Can Make It Anywhere
Not exactly sure what Best Buy is planning this year or what it is that they have to say, but whatever it is, they feel like this is a good year to be back on air.
FORBES: Despite Super Price Tag, Super Bowl XLVI Advertising Time Still Super-Valuable
"They want to feel satisfied and good about their work, but also want to feel satisfied about other things in their life, " says Melinda Wolfe , head of global leadership and diversity at Goldman Sachs Group (nyse: GS - news - people ).
And they have demotivated people who like to feel that they are working for the public good.
Now that things are back to the way they always were, it paints the company in a feel good, consumer friendly way that shows how responsive they are to their customer base.