Think of retirees directly purchasing this soon-to-be toxic paper, either directly or through fund vehicles.
We may not be stopping it as fast as you think se can stop it.
Certainly the international community has responsibilities and I think we have lived up to our responsibilities.
The pros also think the U.S. dollar and commodities will both rise sharply in 2010.
More than half think the Fed will hike rates in the latter half of the year.
Despite what you may think, most companies are sympathetic to people who cannot afford repayments.
This is not a time to think about making substantial cuts in police numbers.
In fact, I think you can be a far better and more successful businessperson.
It was the most enjoyable time - when I think of The Good Life, I smile.
The government does not think there is a need to change the level of parking fines.
What do you think is the best way to stop binge drinking on college campuses?
We really think that this is another category that sheds light on that story.
CNN: Paul Revere, J.P. Morgan wills among millions now online
Celebrity chef Maggie Beer discovered on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?
But I think it is important for us not to get into a bunker mentality.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
Amid all this innovation, you might think that the global technology industry was in fine fettle.
And you know, um, what I'm doing in health I think is extremely important.
Yeah, I think this is right because younger people are more influenced by advertising number one.
"Our team are obviously greatly relieved and I think the travelling public are relieved, " he added.
Mr. BRYANT: Well, I think that another team will bring him in the park.
Think Sedona meets Stonehenge, about 20 miles north of Joshua Tree National Park.
We're going to have to get more into that, I think, on this show.
He ran off, and police think he was picked up by an accomplice in a car.
One shudders to think of the future calamity of an even worse, more epic, flash crash.
FORBES: First Thing's First: Stock Circuit-Breakers In Place
In your opinion, do you think there are going to be more job losses?
"I think they are going for broke now, going for whatever they can do, " he said.
Many think Pharmacia saw its valuation suffer as a result of its continuing ownership of Monsanto.
And as I think I said before, 19, 000 people die each year from this.
There is a lot to learn, it is not as simple as people think it is.
And then there are the rest of the woman who I think fall somewhere in between.
Actually, by suggesting I think about death once a day, Ura was going easy on me.