"I think for me to have a chance it will take a round of 64 or 65, " said Mickelson.
It's unfair on George Osborne I think for me to try and seek to write budgets now in a television studio.
"I think for me the next chapter is what we call charity ... it's time for me to give back to society, " he said.
You know, I was born in 1961, and at the time that I was born, I think for me to do many of the things that I've done in my life would've been an impossibility, and certainly for a 22-year-old.
"I just think for me, and really the football team, in our situation, we're better-served if I'm on the defensive side and making sure we've got the rules set and the way I see them set, " Ryan said after the second day of rookie minicamp.
"I think, for me, the only thing that I basked in was that I had an impact on people, that people turned to me for inspiration, and I think that was the only thing I focused on, " the Hawaii-born Mormon said.
But I think, for me, I'm disappointed because it discourages other people from doing the same thing.
And so to wait would, I think, for me, in my opinion, weaken our prophetic voice and the relevance of this resolution.
"I think that for me is where the problem really is -- how we value women and girls in our societies, " he says.
Ms. SANDRA HERRERA(ph) (Teacher, Northwestern High School): There are good things and bad things, but I think overall for me, the good things outweigh anything else.
But I think, for me, it was somewhat redemptive just because having left the show after eight years I felt in some way, not that it wasn't the right decision for me, but that I had left Chris and Gillian (Anderson) a way to carry on without an integral part of the show.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - More X-Files movies a possibility
Ms. BLACKBURN: I think, for me, one of the things that shocked me and led me to want to write a book about Billie Holiday was because every time you pick up a CD or a record or a biography, before they've even begun anything else about her, there was a mention of this drug element in her life.
Forbes, for its part, helps me think this way by paying me extra for bringing in returning viewers.
FORBES: Games Journalism Part 2: Why Most Websites Have to Make Nice to the Industry
"I do think the issue for me that he's raising is an interesting one, " says Zajonc.
Senator BARACK OBAMA (Democratic Presidential Presumptive Nominee, Illinois): I think the process for me of growing up was to recognize that it's not about me.
"I think the best thing for me is to take it all in, " he said.
But the -- no, I think this is important for me to be able to clear up some stuff.
"I think it was good for me to see in Austin that there are real people you're talking to online, " Joe said.
And this year, I had -- I think was particularly special for me because right before Easter I had a chance to feel that spirit during my trip to the Holy Land.
Time for my wife and me to think about the optimal car for him.
And it was kind of a jumpstart for me to think about, well, how can I change things.
For someone to think about me and my family ... to build a home -- wow.
And I think what's true for me is true for everyone here and true for our country.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2010 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal Ceremony | The White House
Mr. WILLIAMS: You know, obviously, I just think the most important thing for me is to be honest.
"I think it's important for me to be playing in one position, " Hook told BBC Wales' Scrum V show.
"I think he's perfect for me, if I wanted a style to look good against, it's John Simpson, " Smith continued.
But with respect to kind of pinpointing scenarios and outlining scenarios, I don't think that's productive for me to do.