Romney handled these attacks well but faltered when he had to think on his feet on a few occasions, specifically when Rick Santorum challenged him on subject of felons being able to vote again after they complete their sentences and probation.
They can also think on their feet, and if the plan requires modifying, then so be it.
"They think on their feet when faced with these challenges, " he says.
Some Stormont ministers may breathe a sigh of relief that they don't have to think on their feet, dealing with up to the minute events.
BBC: Mary Travers killer controversy too recent for Stormont
As with other comprehensive school pupils, low in confidence and difficult to draw her out of herself despite being able to manifestly think on her feet.
Once a startup is off the ground, I heard from several founders that the ability to think on your feet became one of the most important skills when growing their company.
While law school taught me how to read a court case and analyze legislation, working at Nordstrom was a crash course in how to think on my feet and provide first-class client service.
FORBES: How Working As A Stock Girl At Nordstrom Prepared Me For Being A Lawyer
Just as predictably, his weaknesses were stultifying rhetoric (phrases such as "net inward migration" and "proportional representation list system" abounded) and an inability to think on his feet (he struggled to respond to Mr Cameron's frequent attacks on his tax plans).
With only a rough idea of who would be arriving at any given time, Omari and Sukhpeet had to think on their feet but topical questions to Giggs about his Man Utd team-mate Wayne Rooney and to former Olympic 100m champion Linford Christie about his experiences in 'I'm A Celebrity...
This give-and-take, question-and-answer repartee can be entertaining, and it requires lawyers to think concisely and logically on their feet.
Twenty20 cricket does not have the ebb and flow that Test cricket has, when you have to think a bit more on your feet.
Even people with their feet firmly planted on the ground think one aspect of it is worth salvaging: the emphasis on the future.
The longest putt I made was about - I think someone said four feet, 10 inches for par on 17.
If you think about it, it makes sense for a prey animal to sleep on its feet ready to flee predators.
And do you think it will take a longer time than usual for our generation to get on our feet?
"We think something on the line of 3 inches over six hours would probably put 2 to 4 feet of water in the lower-lying sections of the city, " said Lt.
And I think it's important to know that was a process that was necessary to get those companies back on their feet so they could start hiring more people.