"I had a lot of time to think up in the mountains, " he says.
The researchers got volunteers to think up either ordinary or unusual uses for everyday objects like Kleenex.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation
"If you tell them, you give them time to destroy evidence and think up a story, " he says.
You get to think up complicated computations and then tell somebody else that they have to figure them out.
FORBES: John Bierwirth's Grumman Takeover Defense Led To Pension Litigation
Wit allows you to think up wild new ideas, but judgment tells you which ideas are actually worth keeping.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation
You can create as many lists and rankings as you can think up.
Larger zoos employ behaviouralists to think up ways of keeping animals mentally alert.
The company is composed of Myhrvold and a clutch of high-IQ friends who think up inventions and apply for patents.
Nor to show up the Professor who did this research, showing that even an engineer can think up such thoughts.
If yes, and you can think up a feasible data-ubiquity business model, you may have a top-level case for Big Data.
In practice, according to an American accountant in Tokyo, this simply means that companies think up a rationale for each transaction.
Jonathan Glossop was the first of many to think up Who dunnit?
The other half we waiting for the generalized mockery of Travis to begin and were desperately trying to think up something clever.
Paul, without much training in communications, did "apps, " a less-revered assignment to think up ways to convert signals into voice, video and music.
Jony and I think up most of the products together... he has more operational power than anyone else at Apple except for me.
So much so, in fact, that the authorities are having to think up ways to stop the electronic gadgets from being vandalised or stolen.
Paul, without much training in communications, did "apps, " a less revered assignment to think up ways to convert signals into voice, video and music.
You know, pass on the money to the owners of that money and see if they can think up something to do with it?
FORBES: Apple's Cash Pile, Dividends and Taxes on Overseas Profits
Mr. HANFT: I think up until that point, adults really planned the vacation, and maybe there were a few activities for kids along the way.
No one designing a piece of technology can possibly think up all the things that 7 billion people will do with a new technological toy.
FORBES: Apple and Amazon: Tablets, Cellphones, Capitalism and Markets
And we think it is a lot of fun to see what the photo editor will choose and what sort of caption he can think up.
FORBES: A Sibos Week in Toronto, 7,000 International Banking Professionals, Great Pix
The idea for Bagram Batman emerged from a brainstorming session in the bullpen, the small office where military broadcast journalists think up ideas for public-service announcements.
WSJ: A Superheroic Caped Crusade to Keep Troops Safe in Afghanistan
Mr Clinton is now committed to offering his own version of events in little more than two weeks' time, which limits his lawyers' ability to think up clever new arguments.
ECONOMIST: Step by step the shadow of the Lewinsky affair closes in
The key to our success has always been and always will be our unparalleled ability to think up new ideas, create new industries, and lead the way in discovery and innovation.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors the Country��s Top Innovators and Scientists | The White House
In March Bug Labs, in New York, began selling an assortment of white, 2.5-inch-square hardware modules that snap into its portable Linux computer, the Bugbase, to create almost any gadget you can think up.
This is the kind of offer you think up once upon a dream, but this getaway is entirely three dimensional, and if that isn't reason to whistle while you work, we don't know what is.
What you see over and over are reports of people sitting around the kitchen table night after night and month after month and year after year trying to think up an idea but never doing anything.
FORBES: How To Come Up With A Good Idea For A Great Business
The big networks will feel obliged to pay the going rate, the customers will still have to pay the full price on their data plan, and the networks will have another few months to think up something else to replace their diminishing revenue streams.
"If there was one challenge I would love the club to win more European trophies then they have done and I think up to this point, quite a few times over the years, I don't think we've won the number we should have won, " Ferguson said.
Both Big Data believers and skeptics think large firms will need teams of three to ten analysts to bring together the expertise needed to understand their data, think up innovative ways to use it, select the hardware and software and write the programs to get the information business users need.
FORBES: Big Data Needs Data Scientists, Or Quants, Or Excel Jockeys