On the bright side for drivers, though, no one is better at engineering solutions to precisely this kind of problem than F1.
Unless online auctions accommodate this kind of problem, they will be ignored.
There are many, many approaches to confront this kind of problem.
This kind of talk poses a problem to the established churches.
ECONOMIST: The rise of Pentecostalism could change the face of Kenya
Mr. HEIM: And then at some point, my parents divorced and my mom sort of had a problem with alcoholism for a while and I became this kind of wild kid, and it was that experience that I could then sort of put into the Neil character.
But the fact is that he believes very strongly that mental health is one of the major areas that needs to be addressed as we take a kind of comprehensive approach to this problem.
All of the services have their own ways of determining qualifications and skill and what is the difference between physical strength and ability, but the gentleman raised a very important issue, and that is the draft, because one of the unintended consequences of this kind of legislation could be to take a problem in recruiting women into support positions and then precipitate a crisis.
Part of the problem here is that the Backbench Committee was handed the time once devoted to this kind of set-piece general debate.
And that's -- without regard to the issue of whether the officials from the previous administration agree or disagree with the policies of this administration about how to deal with the problem, the basic intelligence reports did not undergo any kind of change from the previous administration to this one.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
This kind of reporting can spiral out of control and create a problem that wasn't there before.
BBC: Your comments on the Your child's been stabbed programme..
The broader problem is, though, that this kind of crazy stunt has now become business as usual.
This problem at the top is exactly the kind of issue that would cause business segments to underperform their potential.
The problem, of course, is that this kind of measuring, particularly the hands-on observation in classrooms, is costly, adding about 2% onto payroll.
FORBES: Bill Gates Says There Is Something Perverse In College Ratings
What kind of systems should be put in place to prevent this sort of problem?
And the problem is, is that if we engage in this kind of thing, it leads to those areas that unwittingly could have the divulging of information that would limit our capacity to do this kind of operation in the future.
Erecting a new legal barrier of this kind might be a mistake, not least because to some extent this problem is curing itself.
The problem with a lot of investors, particularly unsophisticated investors, in this kind of market is they rush, and they buy, you know, a bunch of stock in one company or one sector, and that's what gets you into trouble later when you get into retirement, and you're not diversified.
This is an out-of-the-blue kind of pre-emptive legislation dealing with a problem that doesn't even seem to exist.
"It also is kind of a warning sign or red flag that hey, we really need to tackle this problem, " he said.
Responding to this kind of criticism, the director of the Vatican Museums, Antonio Paolucci, acknowledged that there was a "serious problem".
This is the problem that has confronted engineers trying to make America's power grid less prone to the kind of load imbalances that plunged the north-east into darkness last month.
In this case, it was clumsy and crude, and part of the problem was Google itself figuring out the right kind of advertising model to attract developers.
This kind of equipment-for-oil compensation deal -- predicated on necessarily vague and speculative terms to spare Moscow the problem of immediate, hard currency payments -- is altogether too easily translated into "debt forgiveness" in the future.