"Cupid plc confirms it does employ a motivation team of 24 people working across three shifts, " it added.
The helmet factory now runs in three shifts, producing 500 handmade helmets a day.
When we think about medicine evolving as a data science, three shifts in healthcare become apparent.
Now we have three shifts running maximum overtime, and we're trying to keep everybody employed.
So, congratulations to all of you, and I hope you stay running three shifts.
To keep an old-style machine running for 24 hours required three shifts and eight hours of a technician's time.
The Gorham mill now operates with three shifts, and both Mr. Doherty and Mr. Johnson are back to work.
Three shifts at a plant is considered beyond "full capacity, " which typically is two shifts running 40 hours a week.
Even as the Shanghai factory runs on three shifts, its first joint venture in the rust belt city of Shenyang remains a morass.
Working in three shifts, hundreds of volunteers -- from firefighters to stars of the "Food Network" -- baked 96, 000 cookies in two weeks.
Like all the nurses in the hospital Christine works very long hours - sometimes three shifts without a break - for very little pay.
If Chrysler can sell enough of these new models to put its two U.S. car plants on three shifts, the profit will keep pouring in.
Three shifts of video forensics experts distributed the raw video evidence to analysts, who then put the evidence into a single interoperable format, and uploaded it into a central management system.
But it employed three shifts a day around the clock and when it reopened in December everything about it was greatly improved, from the luxurious new guest rooms to the lobby to the spa to the new restaurant.
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During the spill, three shifts of employees monitoring the pipeline from the command center in Edmonton, Alberta, received multiple warning alarms, but dismissed them as being caused by column separation, or bubbles of vapor in the pipeline, according to the NTSB investigation.
But he struggled to find enough workers to operate his machine for three full shifts through the week.
The Royal College of Nursing said it would be dangerous for the health of staff and patients if up to three extra shifts had to be worked per week.
The Chinese solar company said Thursday night it will eliminate two of the three production shifts and reduce its workforce at the factory by about 50, or half of the employees there.
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It was he who divided the cans of tuna that helped keep the men alive until they were discovered, and it was he who organized the 32 others into three work shifts and pored over diagrams that helped rescuers plan the men's escape.
Billy Edmunds said that he had been told on the telephone that he was to work four day shifts at the ExCel Centre, only to find when he checked the system later that he had been allocated three night shifts at a different location which he could not attend.
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One-hundred-and-eighty thousand volunteers have been working three-hour shifts in the swing states to squeeze out every last voter.
In Marlboro, the officers are active-duty members of the township police, and work 36 hours a week in three-day shifts.
Now he owns one at age 71 and drives three 12-hour shifts a week.
At Logan, firefighters on 24-hour shifts have three training modules to complete every day.
WSJ: Airplane Fires: Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport's Firefighter Training
Back at the hotel, Ms. Spindel met the evening's 25 hopefuls in three half-hour shifts around a conference table.
Put together a business deal or a research project with three teams working in shifts, and you save days.
Senate clerks, working in half-hour shifts, were three hours into the chore when Sanders withdrew the amendment in frustration.
This convergence occurred after major shifts at all three networks.
The results showed that nurses who worked rotating night shifts at least three times a month for one to 29 years were about 8% more likely to develop breast cancer.