And finally, despite having been on notice multiple times, Khartoum has failed to stop the violence.
Mr. TAYLOR: (Singing) There were times that I thought that I wouldn't last too long.
Televerde delivered five times as many leads as the other, and the leads were better.
It sells for 11 times my estimate of 2011 earnings and two times book value.
Perhaps a memento from his time at Wellcome might inspire him in difficult times ahead.
Those structured products have fallen on hard times as the mortgage sector sinks deeper into crisis.
But for many years French nationals in Africa have been exposed at tumultuous times.
Like someone is whispering in your ear, but also to get the epic-ness at times.
Curnow had a long association with Mandela, interviewing him a number of times since his Presidency.
Mr. TAMAIRA: (Singing) Now, I could never ask for help, but so many times I tried.
Also, the company trades at 1.1 times book value, a discount to such competition as A.G.
Smerconish is the author of six books, two of them New York Times' best sellers.
Doyne lives in Nepal year-round, traveling to the U.S. a few times a year.
There are a host of issues that can sabotage your plans in times like these.
That looks like a fantastic price, given that Consolidated Edison trades at 9 times Ebitda.
Calpers, the California pension fund 13 times that size, has just 100 money managers.
But McNamee told lawmakers that he injected Clemens 16 to 21 times with steroids and HGH.
That news was first reported in Today's L.A. Times by Peter Spiegel, who's here now.
But would you want a law that forces you to carry a card at all times?
So the issue for us is we were very good at dealing with the good times.
The New York Times, USA Today and national travel magazines covered the so-called event.
"Bees are reasonably well equipped to handle bad weather at the appropriate times, " says Norton Miller.
I've walked with the foragers a few times, attempting to understand their secrecy and fanaticism.
Mr. BRYANT: At least your team has gone to the World Series five or six times.
It is also where they go to gather their thoughts in times of crisis.
He has done so by completely overhauling his company to fit these straitened times.
But for those curious about her life and times, it is every bit as fascinating.
To complete this immersive experience, staff wear period dress on site at all times.
These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times.
No doubt in an effort to find Mary Bell, who of course I telephoned many times.