No, but a great school might tip the balance in favor of a job transfer.
But higher commodity prices may tip the balance of risks, causing policymakers to lose their nerve.
But this can be enough at the margin to tip the balance one way or the other.
It is conceivable that President Hollande might tip the balance in favour of a little less austerity now.
If and when General Wiranto goes, Mr Wahid will be able to tip the balance further his way.
Lower deposit rates might tip the balance for some savers wondering whether to put their money into shares.
But the needs are such that it will tip the balance, I hope.
"I don't think this one is going to tip the balance, " Gallagher said.
But the opinion trends are clear, and victories at the ballot box in November would tip the balance further.
And Oklahomans are well aware that their race could tip the balance of power in the Senate to the Democrats.
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The reason for his rhetoric is that women and young voters could tip the balance of power in his favor.
Yet there is little doubt that American influence has helped to tip the balance of regional forces in favour of reform.
For entrepreneurs that, admittedly, take great risks for the slim chance of substantial financial success, these extra-rational motivations help to tip the balance.
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To judge by Thursday's statement, the forecast for inflation has edged up since then, but not enough to tip the balance against more QE.
On the bright side, the company has signed commitments for 800 new franchised units, which would help tip the balance back to the franchise side.
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By partnering up, Lunera Lighting and Lutron Electronics hope they can help change that equation and tip the balance in favor of LEDs.
Later on, Clinton has her three firewalls, Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania, the kind of big states that could tip the balance one way or the other.
The day began with Australia only 189 ahead on 131-6, but the tail provided Katich with the support he required to tip the balance in their favour.
An initial glance of the three papers would seem to tip the balance in favour of healthy middle-aged people popping a daily low dose (75mg) of aspirin.
There are nearly 70 million Roman Catholics in the United States, about 20 percent of the electorate, and they can tip the balance in a close contest.
And more than half of the 1, 200 managers interviewed believes that government efforts to tip the balance between work and home lives away from the company grindstone will fail.
The fact that Mainstay did not furnish tools or that the employees did not render their services on Mainstay property is not sufficient to tip the balance away from this conclusion.
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There was increasing evidence that the tide was turning and that women and young voters would tip the balance of power his way, if they turned out to vote in large numbers.
"Often decisions about where to film a drama for TV are very finely balanced, and there is a risk that the ban might tip the balance in the wrong direction, " it says.
The former guerrillas, now a political party, have joined forces with three other parties, but their alliance is lying a very distant third (though it could tip the balance in a run-off).
ECONOMIST: Guatemala��s democracy of chickens, rabbits��and locals
But this weekend, the CDU could win as many as 20 overhang seats, which might be enough to tip the balance away from a renewed grand coalition and towards a CDU-FDP coalition.
Feral pigs have already taken over Texas and are expanding their numbers in other states, but federal and state land managers think they have a chance to tip the balance in New Mexico.
Cedric Leighton, a former Air Force intelligence officer who worked on developing the American drone program, said he believes the evasive tactics that militants are attempting to adopt will not tip the balance in their favor.
However the government could tip the balance in favour of privatisation by abolishing the rule which says that a quarter of the proceeds of a sale must go to pay off debt rather than be used for building projects such as new schools.