Acute pain is connected with tissue damage, and fades when the underlying problem is tackled.
But too much TNF over long periods of time is toxic, causing severe inflammation and tissue damage.
With human trauma victims, currently Alam has only five minutes to stitch up before tissue damage begins.
If confirmed by experiments, the results could give an explanation for tissue damage.
This could lead to tissue damage in the artery walls, creating the potential for inflammation and the formation of life-threatening clots.
The concern, though not explicitly proven, is that products with higher osmolality might poses more of a risk of tissue damage.
"If they stood on one leg consistently, they would risk greater loss of body heat and potential tissue damage in the cold, " says Anderson.
Caspase-blockers may limit collateral tissue damage from strokes, heart attacks or liver disease, and Vertex hopes to begin human trials of at least one compound next year.
The delayed product is designed to help patients who suffer from a deficiency of "AAT", a substance which protects the lungs from tissue damage which causes emphysema.
But Dr Susanne Ludgate, clinical director of the MHRA, says they had first become aware in 2008 of a small number of cases where patients suffered swelling around the hip and tissue damage.
The researchers said the early introduction of the cells might even interrupt the typical "chain reaction" of tissue damage which follows a stroke, in which the initial injury harms additional cells in surrounding areas.
Professor Petot said it was possible that when fat was broken down by the body it released substances known as free radicals that can cause tissue damage, and might precipitate the development of Alzheimer's symptoms.
Although nitric oxide did not reduce the risk of all neurologic complications, only 12% of the infants who received it suffered a severe brain haemorrhage or tissue damage, compared to 24% of those who did not.
Many of the injuries were to "lower extremities" and included tissue and bone damage, he said.
WSJ: Doctors Treating Boston Marathon Victims Describe Injuries
Whereas modern machines minimise the damage to tissue surrounding a tumour, the older machines are far less precise.
"It highlights the idea that electromagnetic radiation might act on cells by affecting the attractive forces between them rather than simply causing heat damage to tissue, " she said.
"These are very high-force, high-impact injuries so they cause a lot of damage to tissue and to bone, " said Ron Walls, chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Severe frostbite however requires immediate medical attention, because it can cause permanent damage to skin underlying tissue, bones and muscle, and can lead to complications including infection, and nerve damage.
This reaction releases highly reactive molecules known as free radicals which cause damage to the tissue.
After chemotherapy or radiotherapy is used to treat cancer, there is damage to the tissue.
But angioplasty can damage the underlying tissue, causing more lesions to form a troubling complication known as restenosis.
You're now dealing with substances so small they can target cells or organs without damage to surrounding tissue.
These iPS cells, like stem cells derived from embryos, can be turned into many different kinds of cells, and researchers believe they eventually could be used to regenerate tissue for organs and repair damage.
The damage spreads to surrounding tissue over the next several hours, hastened by a toxic biochemical cascade.
Biolase's Waterlase system uses a patented combination of water and lasers to precisely cut hard tissues (bone and teeth) and soft tissue (gums) with minimal damage to surrounding areas.
The method also overcomes limitations posed by current treatments in which radiation may damage portions of healthy brain tissue.
ENGADGET: Researchers develop femtosecond laser that can diagnose, blast cancerous tumors
Officials had noticed that local trees seemed to be under attack, showing damage such as cracks, discoloration and tissue deterioration.
The "precision" radiation also minimizes the damage to a patient's surrounding healthy tissue.
The MRIs can tell how much brain tissue can be saved, and those patients with irreversible damage don't get the drug.