And so we actually see history repeating itself over and over and continuing to affect today's generation.
So why ignore a figure capturing VeriSign's substantial distress, which will continue to affect the company?
More were being delivered to polling stations but the snafu was not expected to affect voting.
Autistic spectrum disorders, including Asperger's syndrome, are thought to affect about 1% of the population worldwide.
The bad news is that we did very little here to affect the emissions curve.
And, as a small business owner, many of these initiatives are going to affect me.
FORBES: How President Obama's 2012 Budget Will Improve My Sex Life
He added that the changes were not likely to affect staff on permanent contracts.
The trouble is that health scares tend to affect political popularity only when they go wrong.
"I always wanted to affect society in a positive way, and now I can, " he says.
WSJ: The American Who Tells Russia How Bad Things Are in America
But this is also going to affect states that depend heavily year round on tourism.
Postnatal depression is a condition that is thought to affect one in ten new mothers.
Some of the offspring inherited genes from the killer bees which appeared to affect their behaviour.
Vehicle-related thefts were also more likely to affect households owning three or more vehicles (15.0%).
So what can a teacher do to affect change in his or her community?
WHITEHOUSE: Transforming Communities through Public Education
The landslip is the latest in a series to affect the North Yorkshire coastline.
To affect a cure the Fed must reduce the excess monetary liquidity in the marketplace.
The United States missile defense systems are not intended to affect the strategic balance with Russia.
Hundreds of genes and the environment are likely to affect the odds of developing such conditions.
This is going to affect so many people and be detrimental to people's plans.
"This is going to affect us and it's going to affect the whole town, " he said.
But very quickly, relationship issues start to affect how well we handle the substantive issues.
Democrats have a real chance to affect the American people in a positive way.
All have the power to affect the lives of the military families who cross their paths.
Type 1 Gaucher disease is estimated to affect about 6, 000 people in the United States.
FORBES: Pfizer Enters Market For Super-Expensive, Ultra-Rare Disease Drugs -- With A Price Cut
The law, it explained, was never intended to affect people with family roots in Singapore.
But unlike Libya's abrupt disruption, the new sanctions are expected to affect oil markets only gradually.
The tragic reverberations that continue to affect so many Americans today would never have occurred.
Taplin believed that attacking advertising would be the most effective means to affect piracy sites.
FORBES: Are Google, Yahoo And Major Brands Really Supporting Online Piracy?
German businesses, however, will be exempt so as not to affect their competitive positions.
FORBES: A Nuke-Free Germany May Be Forced Into Dirty Embrace With Coal
After decades of study, BTI has been shown to affect almost exclusively black flies.