It was a ploy of theirs to pretend not to understand, to frown and simulate confusion because, in any conversation, it was convenient sometimes to appear to be at a loss.
The French government has seemed at times to be at a loss over how to react to the violence, which is arguably the most serious challenge to its authority since the student riots that rocked Paris in 1968.
ECONOMIST: A wounded nation resorts to extreme measures | The
Indeed, it may end up as a negative-margin business: If history is any guide, some companies will be willing to sell at a loss to gain market share, and there will be investors willing to finance them, at least for a while.
Because the fund is closed-ended (investors have to leave their capital in for ten years), it can buy art on the spot for cash at good prices and cannot be forced to sell at a loss to meet redemptions.
For one, Amazon may or may not have the scale of supply chain to obtain components cheaply enough to offer a high-end tablet at even a reasonably steep loss, at least not at a loss they would be willing to stomach.
FORBES: No Worries, iPad, Amazon's Android Tablet Is Just a Nook-Killer.
China and Japan have both issued statements expressing sympathy to the U.S. at what is expected to be a massive loss of life.
You say the law makes businesses do all sorts of things, why can't they be commanded to employ people at a loss?
The complex form may be a better choice for businesses running at a loss because the deduction can be carried forward to future years using that method.
The position of the German government is that investors should be prepared to either take a loss on their holdings in Greek government bonds or at the very least should be prepared to roll over maturing debt for another seven years.
FORBES: Bond Prices Weaken As Stocks Rebound On Merger Monday
It could pave the way for a new test to identify people at risk, so action could be taken to prevent the loss of hypocretin neurons before they fell to a level low enough to trigger narcolepsy symptoms.
As a kid, I was forced to be in school and at a basketball game although I suffered sudden death loss.
GPs will be unwilling to rush to sell those investments at a loss or below their carry hurdle rate.
He said there were no plans to widen the use of breathalysers, but agreed that "irresponsible" sales of alcohol - particularly drinks sold at a loss - needed to be controlled.
None of this excess capacity is likely to be shut down quickly, because cash-strapped firms have an incentive to keep factories running, even at a loss, to generate income.
The loss could be costly to Georgetown's chances at a No. 1 seed in the NCAAs.
Assuming the possibility that the short-seller's bearishness is unwarranted--which is a lot of the time--the seller, seeking to avoid losses on shares sold short, must re-enter the market in order to buy back the shares at a loss so that they can be returned.
However, it may be impossible for Microsoft to sell the device at any low price point without taking a loss.
Gonzalez's request must still be sent to Washington for approval, at which point he would receive a certificate of loss of nationality.
"You want to be playing at your best going into the tournament and you can't afford a loss at this point in the season where you're questioning your lineups and what your identity is, " Plumlee said.
Wednesday's match at Hampden is unlikely to be a sell-out and the SFA could make a loss.
"People need to be aware of the difference between a weight-loss challenge and a fad diet at the office, " she says.
If you live in an area at risk of winter ice storms and blizzards, you need to be prepared for a loss of power.
One way is to sell some rotten stocks at a loss, running up a capital loss deduction that can be netted against the Treasury profit.
What they discussed is secret (speculation is that it could also involve manufacturing related to an iTV product), but industry observers believe that Apple must be alarmed in the extreme at the possible loss of intellectual property to Samsung as the result of a Samsung-Sharp equity tie-up.
There will be a jobs revision, I'm told, tomorrow that's likely to show additional job loss at the first part of the recession that started in December 2007, making the hole that -- the hole of job loss that we've dealt with even deeper.