"I propose not to be carried away and to calm down, " he said.
Several people passed out and had to be carried away to waiting ambulances.
But investors tend to be carried away by over-optimistic projections of China's markets, and pay over the top to enter them.
And he roams the badlands of the central Australian bush, where the red gums wait for the river to flood before releasing their seeds to be carried away and germinate downstream.
For example, most of the energy from supernovae is thought to be carried away by neutrinos -- the lightweight, difficult-to-detect particles that are so important to understanding the fundamental laws of nature.
The figurine had to be sent away for conservation work to be carried out which has taken four months to complete.
"I think we got a little bit carried away to be honest, " England Number Eight Tom Wood said.
The harm done by housing and construction booms in Ireland and Spain should be a caution to would-be members who, once inside, may get carried away by low borrowing costs.
The operation to take away the granite and steel headstone would be carried out "methodically and professionally", said the undertaker who dealt with Sir Jimmy's funeral last year.
His answer, to simplify a subtle argument, is that it routinely lets itself be carried away by its successes.
"I'm happy that I'm a lot better off than so many other people I see on TV, clinging to electric posts, electric wires, so they won't be carried away (by the water), " she said.
But Young refused to get carried away and said now all the region's attentions would be concentrated on getting a result against Bath next week and making it into the EDF semi-finals.
After a final proof, each flat had to be initialed by me and the production manager before it went in the transport box, which was carried away by the courier, a Vietnam vet with a logo-festooned jacket and handlebar mustache.
The change would be poorly timed from a political standpoint, though: At the same time as legislators are trying to take away the lucrative carried-interest tax break from hedge-fund operators, Treasury would be giving it to another group of well-heeled and politically powerful professionals.
But before anyone gets too carried away, it is also worth remembering that there don't as yet appear to be clear answers to two vital, linked questions: first, who would want the Tory leadership at this present moment given the state the party is in right now?