Today, however, he professes to be opposed to abortion and has spoken out strongly against same-sex marriage and civil unions for gay couples.
Chan is said to be opposed to the liberal use of special effects in modern films and will use them sparingly in the movie.
Manning has extensive quality video to show teams and is not believed to be opposed to working out for teams he identifies as finalists.
India host this year's tournament in November and December but were thought to be opposed to the bi-annual event, believing it was played too frequently.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | International Teams | India | India plan Champions Trophy talks
Chavez proceeded to suppress the labor unions by undermining their basic right to organize, by interfering in union elections, by refusing to bargain collectively with them, by establishing mechanisms of union control and by vetoing unions thought to be opposed to the government.
He talks of dialogue being the answer to faith's ills and then, in a moment of what he calls indiscretion, he remarks how some politicians see faith groups as a problem to be solved as opposed to a massive force to be utilised.
That meant that Warner Bros, Sony and Paramount had all refused to allow their shows to be rented as opposed to bought over iTunes.
Defenders of gene patents have billions of dollars invested in their position, and opponents tend to be ideologically opposed to the idea of commercializing genes, full stop.
FORBES: What If They Treated Gene Patents Like Nautical Charts?
The oil-rich gulf kingdom, a Sunni Muslim country with deep suspicion of Iran's Shiite Muslim rulers, is believed to also be adamantly opposed to any deal that would benefit Iran.
Now, certain investor groups are probably going to be vehemently opposed to this just because the way these things were structured and that goes to one of the reasons why it's been so hard to get everyone on board with something like this.
It is now up to all the senators, and hopefully all the members of the House, to explain to their constituencies why they would be opposed to common-sense ideas that historically have been supported by Democrats and Republicans in the past.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on the American Jobs Act
But we're pushing for the solution to be local as opposed to us mandating stuff.
" "There were plenty of kids that were there to have a good time and rock out some serious spelling, but there were also plenty that seemed like they were going to be eliminated from society as opposed to a game.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said he wants gay people in England and Wales to be able to marry, but that no organisation opposed to the move would be forced to conduct the ceremonies.
Greenpeace says it is not opposed to stem cell research itself, but to the idea that patents can be granted for scientific discoveries as opposed to inventions.
So - and I hope you are still with me - since Germany is opposed to using its financial strength to help other countries borrow through the sale of eurobonds, Germany would inevitably be opposed to helping other countries borrow by underwriting their respective banks.
Well, Lords reform has always been defeated by those passionately opposed to change finding a way to vote with those passionately in favour of change but opposed to whatever plan happens to be on the table at the time.
On the economic front, earnings continue to be dominated by inventory restocking as opposed to consumer purchases which are necessary for a recovery to be sustainable.
Mr. SEYMOUR WEINBERG (Accountant, New York): I want to be taxed now as opposed to later on.
That would inherently make them more likely to be safe drivers as opposed to teenagers, and that could account for some of the gap.
Justin Cox, of the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust, which manages the park, said dogs were thought to be responsible, as opposed to foxes, because foxes usually dragged the carcasses away for food.
In reality, that's what many are these days: hefty souvenirs of meals had or aspired to be made, as opposed to something that lives next to your cutting board, guiding you step by step on making gyoza for the first time (take it easy on the filling).
On its mobile iOS operating system, Apple has created a "closed garden" environment in which everything from apps to accessories has to be approved by Apple, as opposed to Google's more wide-open Android system.
However, Janine Allis-Smith, a campaigner with Cumbria Opposed to a Radioactive Environment (Core), said that more work would have to be done before the general public, as opposed to workers in the industry, would feel reassured.
The Segodnya tabloid, believed to be linked to a business group opposed to Mr Yushchenko, said two very important questions remained unanswered.
Factor in concerns for the massive fishing industry and the environment, and the fact that the neighboring coast is populated and consists of stretches of marshland that will be difficult to clean (as opposed to the sparsely populated rocky coasts of Alaska) and the ramifications expand dramatically.
This attempt is bound to be opposed by non-profit organizations everywhere who are dependent more and more to private contributions to keep their doors open and serve the public.
Good programs, however, that do customize for these different learning needs and lead to increased student engagement and time on task, should be easier to scale in a digital world as opposed to an analog one.
FORBES: Colorado's Crummy Policies Lead to Crummy Virtual Schools
That speculative froth is what reduces market volatility seems to be lost on those ideologically opposed to finance.
FORBES: The Truth About the Financial Transactions Tax or the Robin Hood Tax
Journalist Vladimir Gjuzelov, speaking from Skopje, told CNN that it would be very difficult for the declaration to be approved, as many parties were opposed to the move and would join ethnic Albanian deputies in voting against it.