• They were reckoned to be unable to handle the demands of repaying a loan.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

  • The Hosts and their mysterious Language have evolved to be unable to tell lies.

    FORBES: SciFi Book Club: Embassytown And The Invention Of Lies

  • Conservatorships are generally granted for people deemed to be unable to care for themselves or their affairs.


  • Duke was found to be unable to claim the single-sex contact sport exemption.

    FORBES: Caroline Pla, 11-Year Old Football Player, Discriminated Against By The Catholic Church

  • The fledgling Libyan leadership turned out to be unable to fulfill traditional security commitments to the U.S. diplomatic compound, she said.


  • So when that helicopter was seen to be unable to move, all of a sudden you had to go into Plan B.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But Rapiscan was to be unable to meet a June deadline to make the updates, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said.

    BBC: TSA to phase out Rapiscan 'naked scanners'

  • In these situations, the brain and body appear to be unable to process and interpret muscle and movement information from the senses correctly, she says.

    WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?

  • These things combined, together with the slowed reaction time that is part of aging can cause an elder to be unable to stop himself from falling.

    FORBES: Mom! Look Out, Don't Fall!

  • Another issue: The plan only applies to those who are current in their mortgage payments but who are determined to be unable to afford higher reset rates.

    FORBES: A Subprime Solution

  • It is impossible for them to be unable to repay.

    FORBES: Spending Cuts = National Economic Suicide

  • In conclusion, I think that the best answer is, as with most large, complex corporate failures, Hostess is beset by a number of challenges which collectively have caused its business to be unable to compete.

    FORBES: Did Hostess Go Bankrupt In 2012 Because People No Longer Find Twinkies Appealing?

  • "We wanted to give the city something to be happy about, " said center forward Chris Kelly, who had an assist and a goal, the 100th of his NHL career, adding that he was disappointed to be unable to deliver a win for Boston.

    WSJ: Bruins Take to Ice in Front of Emotional Hometown Fans

  • "One of the things that is most concerning and is in the mind of many Spaniards is the lack of jobs that leads millions of families to be unable to live with dignity and forces young people to leave Spain to look for work, " he said, adding that the situation "pained him".

    BBC: Spain's King Juan Carlos admits 'hurt' at economic fate

  • Clinical results from MSKCC and many of the other most renowned tertiary care centers are widely known to be unable to ever be reproduced in broader populations, almost certainly because patients at places like MSKCC are disproportionately younger, more fit, have more resources, and have whatever other intangible benefits are conferred by being motivated to travel beyond their local cancer center for very specialized care.

    FORBES: Is IBM's Watson in Jeopardy? This Oncologist Thinks So!

  • Not only are our children not able to keep up with the better-equipped competition coming from India and China, but if things don't change very soon, all these tens of millions of our sons and daughters will grow up to be adults unable to even function in our economy, let alone compete.

    NPR: Seeking Solutions for the Nation's Broken Schools

  • Thus, it is very rare for PSLRA attorneys to devote tens of thousands of hours to a case and be unable to settle for an amount that pays their lodestar in full.

    FORBES: A Brief Explanation Of The Economics Of Securities Lawsuits

  • But the Spaniard has taken to Facebook and Twitter to reveal he will now be unable to compete after pulling out of the tournament following advice from his doctor.

    CNN: Nadal suffers comeback blow

  • As we consider the impact of the current policy uncertainty on the upcoming tax filing season, it is becoming apparent that an even larger number of taxpayers -80 to 100 million of the 150 million total returns expected to be filed -may be unable to file.

    FORBES: All I Want For Christmas Is An AMT Patch

  • But just having celebrities go to awards shows and be unable to dress fashionably, I think, would disappoint people, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

    NPR: Some Very Bad Global Warming Solutions

  • You might be right to be irritated but imagine what it must be like to be a CSR who is unable to fix what to most must seem obvious.

    FORBES: It's Not the Stupid Worker...

  • Unless the authorities in Switzerland are willing to change the way they respond to such requests, the Italians may be unable to obtain admissible evidence from, for instance, Swiss banks.

    ECONOMIST: Italy and the law

  • The problem for the PA's new prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen), is that unless the small issues are linked to the big ones he will be unable to rally most Palestinians behind the commitment he has made to accept the peace plan in its entirety.

    ECONOMIST: Peace and broken promises

  • If Best Buy is unable to seamlessly integrate its online and physical stores to deliver a superior customer experience, it may be unable to differentiate itself from the competition.

    FORBES: Why Best Buy Is Still Worth $25

  • If Chavez has not returned to Venezuela and is unable to be sworn in on January 10, the National Assembly may be forced to act, McCoy and Casal said.


  • If we fail to expand this circle, we will be unable to defend ourselves against racists and sexists who want to draw the boundaries more closely around themselves.


  • Consumers wanting to buy goods by mail order may be unable to pay by cheque because the seller will be unwilling to accept a payment that carries a levy of nearly 25%.

    ECONOMIST: Borders and barriers

  • In the U.S., partly in response to complaints by animal-rights activists, handlers at slaughterhouses are supposed to keep pigs calm by moving them along in small groups, and the animals are required to be rendered unconscious and unable to feel pain before they are killed.

    WSJ: What China Can Learn From America's Hot Dogs

  • Of course there are those with terrible conditions - locked-in syndrome, various forms of paralysis - who may wish to die, but be quite unable to do so without help, but for the vast majority of us suicide would be possible as a lone activity for some time after we knew that we were incontrovertibly dying.

    BBC: A Point of View: The biggest decision

  • The banks are suddenly aware of what economists call "counterparty risk, " the risk that the banks to which they might lend money might turn out to be in bad shape and unable to repay.

    NPR: Europe Vows $2 Trillion Backing For Banks

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