It could go wrong in many, many ways and cause everything to come apart there.
His hair was mussed, suit jacket dusty and stained, ready to come apart at the shoulder seams.
It was only when these declined that British identity started to come apart, and Europe to beckon once more.
New Zealand waited 24 years to see if Wyoming was going to come apart at the seams before taking the step itself.
Much better is the heartrending, tragic-comic scene when Eckhart's Howie takes it upon himself to show the house to prospective buyers, only to fall apart when they come to the nursery.
CNN: Review: Kidman shines in painfully honest 'Rabbit Hole'
Vast ice sheets there are the King Kong of the Atlantic, says Overpeck, tied up in ice for now but starting to melt and come apart.
NPR: Arctic Freshwater Pouring Into Atlantic, Scientists Say
In other incidents, cranes have dropped loads or come close to falling apart, including a dramatic episode in which a crane's arm, or boom, nearly snapped off during Superstorm Sandy and dangled precariously over a midtown Manhattan block.
My sense is that Merkel will do whatever it takes to not let the eurozone come apart and will ease up on austerity while the storm passes.
Sometimes what happens is that sloppy programming sends it careering into the wall it's supposed to avoid, occasionally forcing you to readjust friction-fit pieces that can come apart under stress.
If Ireland were allowed to default, the whole kit and caboodle could come apart.
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Just as the Lebanese do today, Iraqis, for decades to come, will have their own visual reminders of the war that is threatening to tear their country apart.
DeMark concludes by saying that the rally will come to an end shortly after the New Year and fall apart leading to the same percentage decline.
By striking the places where our countries and people come together, those who perpetrated these horrific attacks hoped to drive us apart.
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The automatic and deliberately harsh spending cuts have come because the politicians are so far apart they cannot agree to a sensible way of balancing the books.
This week may come to be seen as the point at which their pact began to fall apart.
Despite all this upheaval, the two parties will need quickly to decide their stances on at least two important issues during the lame-duck session, quite apart from grappling with the longer-term challenges involved in trying to come to terms with America's huge deficit (see article).
Turing's hypothesis come to life: bots that slip through the security measures meant to tell computers and humans apart.
When the antibodies on the surface of the nanotubes come in contact with a target protein, the proteins bind to the tubes and spread them apart a tiny bit.
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And I had to do it in such a way that there was enough of a container so it didn't break apart, but there was enough room, actually, for these emotional issues to come to the surface.
Apart from that, if you have a look at the next level of players to come in, I think everyone in England would agree that they're just not ready for it.
For this final column of the season, I asked each of the aforementioned experts to look deep into his roto crystal ball and come up with one player slated for a huge breakout in 2011 and one player set to fall apart.
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