Mr ElBaradei said it was "very important for the IAEA to come to a conclusion that the Iran programme is for peaceful purposes".
Were that fresh hearing to come to a different conclusion to the accidental death verdict recorded at the time, that might also open the way to criminal prosecutions.
In broad brush strokes: was Professor Longley asked to use all his knowledge and expertise to sift through the evidence and come to a conclusion about whether change was needed in the NHS (with a tacit acceptance on all sides that the answer was pretty much bound to be yes) and suggest what those changes should be?
But measurements of true success of these programs still seems to be too far off to come to a real conclusion on their efficacy.
We will have to look at all the programs offered by the government in order to come to a reasonable conclusion.
"The principal here is that you try to give work to a person and come to the conclusion that they can't even understand the instructions, " Abrahamson explains.
And, again, to go back to the Michigan speech, it was -- said a little bit of it last night, but I think the notion that -- what we lose in a debate that is overly charged and overly personal is the ability at some point to all sit together at a table and come to a good conclusion on solving some of our most serious problems.
Donald Norman has found site visitors have a natural process when they come to a conclusion about how a site makes them feel.
So they really were trying hard to make an investigation in this case, you know, come to a conclusion.
Others will have come to a different conclusion and ticked a different box.
Though Steil seems to come to a different conclusion, White left a far better legacy of growth than did Keynes.
"Fortunately it is clear that the jury did not read the article and the trial was able to come to a fair conclusion, " he said.
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If they have a fresh case to put on that, on this, they should discuss it with us, so that parties can come to a conclusion together about these things.
Not that a court could not come to a different conclusion, and I would think the reporter is considering becoming a plaintiff.
What obscure sources could the Russians be using to come to such a wacky conclusion?
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He said he will take no offense if museum visitors come to a different conclusion.
Around a third could not come to a similar conclusion about Mr Morgan's Labour leadership record.
Citing the same source as everybody else I come to a very different conclusion.
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"We're hopeful that somebody will come to a conclusion that changes this, " Cozart said.
They might be wrong or right about this: clearly other companies have come to a different conclusion.
Some technicians look at the same chart and come to a different conclusion.
Democrats have come to a different conclusion: They want to get rid of the deductions and raise tax rates at the same time.
Generally you assume he or she will have a clear and balanced perspective, and will reflect on circumstances and come to a reasoned conclusion.
Maybe the commission will come to a conclusion on that.
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They should "work on the investigation, come to a conclusion based on evidence, and then either bring a case or announce their findings, " he said in an e-mail.
CNN: Prosecutor: Crime reporter's info may help Holloway case
While police in New York City investigate two small explosions in front of the British Consulate, they have already come to a conclusion about the security of another building, the Freedom Tower.
"I used to be one of the people that sat along the sidelines and threw rocks at this process, and say, I can't believe they didn't come to a conclusion, " he said.
But the first approach should always be trying to, you know, come to some conclusion that will enable us to move forward in a united way.
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We've come to the conclusion that a woman may trust a man's opinion more and then a man may trust a woman's opinion more in some cases only because I know what I want a man to look like and a man knows what he wants a woman to look like.
But my Facebook page remains a fan zone, and I've come to the conclusion that Facebook is a social tool for engagement and not journalism.