The prehistoric caves in Torquay house bone artefacts believed to date back to Neanderthal man.
Mrs Godfrey said the mound was thought to date back to the Roman or Romano-British eras.
The document, thought to date back to between 1473 and 1477, was written when Richard was the Duke of Gloucester.
Bones and clothing thought to date back to Medieval times have been found underneath a Reading town centre street during surface repair works.
Cheating is believed to date back to early 2001, when standardized testing scores began to turn around in the 50, 000-student school district, according to the indictment.
Believed to date back to medieval times, it is known to have been a parish church since the 15th Century and became a cathedral in 1914.
Dr Foyle said the crypts, which span the full area of the old cathedral and are thought to date back to the 1350s, were a highly significant find.
"The Cherrymount link crannog was thought initially to date back to the 14th century but now evidence suggests it went back to early medieval times, " said archaeologist Declan Hurl.
Ynys Hir has other areas of salt marsh and is also home to wet grassland and woodland - part of which is said to date back to the 17th Century.
The Met issued a statement which confirmed the allegation, believed to date back to the 1970s, was "currently under review by the Met police's Sapphire unit - which investigates rape and sexual offences".
The practice of gig rowing is believed to date back to the 1700s, when vessels around the coast of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly needed a pilot to help them navigate their way through difficult waters.
Officials who once hoped to launch the museum last September had to push the date back to late 2013 or early 2014 because of disputes between the mayor and the governors of New York and New Jersey over construction costs and control of the site.
As expected, Obama also did very well with African-American voters, but it was not enough to overcome Clinton's strong ties to Texas, which date back to the early 1970s.
"I've peeked in to see it, and it's inspiring and sort of awesome, " said prominent Los Angeles public relations executive Steve Sugerman, whose family connections to the congregation date back to its founding.
And complaints that exchanges are catering to these people date back at least to the mid-19th century.
If that scenario pans out, it will mean an end to ways of doing business that date back to the early part of this century, when Japanese companies were grouped as zaibatsu (the precursors of today's keiretsu) and backed by the government.
As expected, an impressive array of prominent sports franchise owners, distinguished baseball executives, titans of business, and even former ball players are expected to aggressively pursue a franchise whose origins date back to the late nineteenth century and well before Brooklyn was even a borough of New York City.
FORBES: Dodgers' Path To A New Owner Begins With Character And Integrity
The package of tax proposals that Baucus has tacked on his amendments to the minimum wage bill also includes several other provisions, including a proposal to push back the date of taxation on corporate inversions to March 20, 2002.
The five golfers to have carded official 59s on the PGA Tour date back to Al Geiberger in 1977.
It wants to replace four of the five existing cranes, which date back to the 1960s and 1970s, with two mobile units.
To buy a stock, the valuation screens are applied with historical prices that can date back to 80 years or more.
FORBES: The Numbers Nerds Beating The Market With 80 Years Of Data
They had been due to present their final arguments and make their sentencing requests for the alleged crimes, which date back to 2010.
Which brings me to Heidelberg, a city steeped in the past--its famous castle and university date back to the eleventh century--but which offers an intriguing glimpse of the future.
Peel off into the mountains for the steep and well-fortified ruins of Termessos, a city founded by indigenous Anatolians, or continue along the coast to the rocky, brilliant blue beach of Olympos, complete with its own ruins that date back to the Lycians.
While rumors still circulate regarding the potential casting of the series, word that Disney has secured the talent of the writer of what is widely regarded as the best Star Wars film to date (The Empire Strikes Back) is sure to send fans into a frenzy of excitement.
It is intended to bring the rules covering the sector, which were introduced 15 years ago, back up to date.
"It is important to remember that today's announcement references situations that are in the past, and in several cases, date back to two years ago, " he wrote.
CNN: US Airways, United face FAA fines for safety violations
"The effect of today's ruling is to roll back eligibility to the date originally proposed by the Parliamentary Ombudsman, " he said.
Further to the apology, I think Apple has not mentioned changing the back cover to re-date the warranty.
FORBES: Apple Apologizes To Chinese Consumers For Seeming 'Arrogant,' Promises Warranty Changes
Most of the buildings visitors see today, though, date back to the 18th Century.