Security cannot for long be allowed to depend on physically disconnecting and powering off our computers.
CNN: OPINION: The push is on to deploy high-speed, always-on residential Internet access
The effect seems to depend on processing each face in light of the others.
FORBES: Optical Illusion of the Day: Celebrities Become Monsters Right Before Your Eyes
The speed of the economy will continue to depend on broadband and wireless spectrum.
I've leaned to depend on my technique instead of trying to outmuscle the water.
His entire sense of the job came to depend on being a war President.
It has to depend on unforgiving market forces - witness the 50% slump in property values.
So how will we live without the gadgets that we have come to depend on?
Now everything seems to depend on Governor King, who looks set against any repeal.
The answer would appear to depend on who actually benefits most from these developments.
So the success of his second term is likely to depend on more modest initiatives.
Mr Karzai's own clout will continue to depend on the presence of international troops.
Therefore they need to depend on subordinates who are closer to the action to supplement their knowledge.
On Monday, Wilkerson learned she no longer needs to depend on the kindness of friends for shelter.
It's going to depend on how much the psychological advantage of the "unlimited rentals" flag is worth.
This trait makes honeybees essential to modern agriculture, which has itself evolved to depend on their services.
Women in urban areas have equal employment opportunities and no longer need to depend on their parents.
As Spain builds, town halls increasingly come to depend on income from licences, land sales and property taxes.
Mr McCain invokes his military service in Vietnam, when he learnt to depend on something greater than himself.
ECONOMIST: America's particularities will survive George Bush
And so a lot of it's going to depend on their willingness to make some pretty drastic changes.
Wait staff at restaurants in many countries have certainly grown to depend on tips to supplement their wages.
As well as the big projects, many voluntary community groups have also come to depend on EU funding.
Farmers quickly came to depend on workers from the south, and lobbied the government to let more in.
That is especially worrying when the finances of many households have come to depend on two full incomes.
Localities have learnt not to depend on the central government for food, and this time appear better prepared.
But with future jobs said to depend on innovation and new, creative industries, the bureaucrats want more variety again.
India's approach to the next round of negotiations is bound to depend on who emerges on top in Pakistan.
Ultimately, the success of this economy is going to depend on you and people like you all across the country.
The number of those deemed by the UN to depend on food handouts fell from 4.5m to 3.2m in 2011.
But remember ladies, not too long ago, you would simply have been destitute and forced to depend on a man.
If you're moving to the Mikro from its big brother, you'll find yourself missing some things you'd grown to depend on.