The company now plans to develop the ability to integrate live trading and also develop its community features.
These hormones include cortisol (which is related to stress), estradiol (the main female sex hormone) and prolactin (which, as its name suggests, triggers her breast tissue to develop the ability to secrete milk).
However, as India and China continue to emerge, the abundance of engineering talent will mean that great companies will be defined not by their ability to develop a faster widget, but by their ability to innovate.
He wanted to keep the ability to develop new circuits alive at his own company.
But the truth is that if you are able to learn the mechanics, and develop the ability to respond rapidly, comfortably, and instinctively to the urgent but often predictable crises that unexpectedly develop on the wards, you are then able to devote much greater attention to the needs and fears of the patient you are treating.
FORBES: Priests or mechanics? The tricky case for medical exceptionalism
The fight to save Grand Central went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in 1978 that cities have the right to protect historic buildings, even if that limits the owner's ability to develop or sell the property.
On the other hand, from the perspective of the developing countries like China and India, they're saying to themselves, per capita our carbon footprint remains very small, and we have hundreds of millions of people who don't even have electricity yet, so for us to get bound by a set of legal obligations could potentially curtail our ability to develop, and that's not fair.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
Blackman encouraged him to write about how martial arts taught him leadership skills, trust and the ability to develop strong relationships with others.
Resistance to genetically modified foods, technical difficulties, legal and business obstacles and the ability to develop improved foods without genetic engineering have winnowed the pipeline.
Children should be allowed to get bored so they can develop their innate ability to be creative, an education expert says.
And I was able to discuss learning with TED curator Chris Anderson, who has described how the Internet is encouraging people around the world to develop skills, such as the ability to learn to play musical instruments, that might have previously been out of reach.
But unexpected success during the first MotoGP season led team members to think too highly of their ability to design and develop racing bikes and to be overconfident.
FORBES: Francesca Gino: How to Avoid Getting Sidetracked in Your Career
Commodore seeks to return that passion and enhance the ability to learn and develop skills in programming, computational media, mathematics, the arts and many other fields, to the mainstream and to the main streets across the globe.
ENGADGET: Commodore USA goes Extreme, stuffs a 2.2GHz quad-core i7 into its C64x
The ability to develop tools, apps and targeted advertising will allow you to monetize.
Ability to develop networks and partnerships at the international, regional, or national levels.
Otherwise, we will continue down the slippery slope of slowly strangulating our ability to develop new life-enhancing, lifesaving drugs.
This also provides the company the ability to develop products locally over time.
FORBES: A Third Of Heinz's Top Brands Are From Emerging Markets
The ability to develop networks that are internal and external to the organization.
The awareness created by the information and the ability to develop simple solutions would make it easy to dump the junk.
When it comes to his ability to develop relationships with people such as Branson, Painter believes that much depends on honor.
FORBES: How Scott Painter's Honor Helped Him Raise $1.7 Billion in Start-up Capital
Have demonstrated their ability to develop innovative practices that have enhanced educational contents, methodologies, skills and knowledge for learning to live together.
UNESCO: Wenhui (�� ��) Award for Educational Innovation 2011
An under-educated workforce hampers the region's ability to develop higher value-added industries.
This creates a challenge not just in the ability to develop ideas and write, but also in how to present and socialize the information.
Grove spent 35 years in a company that depended entirely on its ability to develop a newer, faster version of its previous product every year.
It is the ability to develop a keen external awareness that separates the truly great communicators from those who muddle through their interactions with others.
Ability to develop clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Human Resources Officer (right to education) (30/1/2012) 1CAUIS0030ST - (P-3)
Even worse, it limits our ability to develop the 21st Century ground game we need now to achieve our lofty visions of women ascending to leadership roles.
FORBES: Mixing Business With Pleasure. Men Do It. Why Do Women Hesitate?
Additionally, the chargers offer retailers the ability to develop coordinated campaigns to display relevant content and promotions, extending the consumer experience from the charging station into their business.
ENGADGET: ECOtality teams with Sprint to connect Blink EV charging network
The ability to develop and articulate a digital vision.
FORBES: Why You Shouldn't Rush Out And Hire A Chief Digital Officer
But the county Board of Supervisors has rejected Piscitell's first proposal, arguing that the additional traffic would create unacceptable noise and air pollution and hamstring the county's ability to develop nearby land.