"You have to be motivated to want to do something about it, " she says.
Of course we ought to do something about providing an extension of unemployment benefits.
We do need to budget under control, we do need to do something about education.
Here and now, we have an opportunity to do something about the inequalities in Britain.
"It's too late to do something about it in this World Cup, " said Eriksson.
Unlike some parents, Dinakar and Loren had the resources to do something about it.
The question is, will we finally summon the political will to do something about it?
It is both predictable and preventable and it is time to do something about it.
So she decided to do something about it, creating a website and Twitter account.
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And as Tony Blair made clear on Tuesday, we're going to do something about it.
"I thought that as engineers we should try to do something about this, " he says.
One of my godmothers said to my mother, 'You've got to do something about this child.
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My complaint here is not that Slaveryfootprint.org is trying to do something about slavery.
FORBES: What On Earth Is Slaveryfootprint.org Talking About Here?
But his government has shown much willingness to try to do something about drugs.
They just voted -- (applause) -- we've got to do something about our deficits.
We're trying to promote healthy living and get people to do something about it.
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Assume that climate change is a problem, one that we need to do something about.
FORBES: Simple Solutions To Climate Change Please: Which Means No Politics Or Politicians
Reverend Woodrich thought that was unconscionable, and he decided to do something about it.
And whenever they try to do something about it, they change the rules for an industry.
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Belatedly, the authorities have recognised this problem, and are trying to do something about it.
Less good is Mr Hague's failure so far to do something about the party's European divisions.
We at least have a proactive programme to try to do something about it.
We need to do something about it and preserve our nature for as long as we can.
And so, in a departure from a largely apolitical career, Steve decided to do something about it.
FORBES: How Steve Jobs Got Sick, Got Better, And Decided To Save Some Lives
State policy makers fed up with federal spending finally have a chance to do something about it.
WSJ: Christina Corieri: States Can Save Taxpayers $609 Billion
It should take the opportunity to consider the Castles-Henderson critique and resolve to do something about it.
With comprehensive federal-immigration reform comatose, state and local politicians are rushing to do something about illegal immigration.
We have more and more riders relative to pullers, and we need to do something about it.
Yet it is one thing to recognise a problem, and quite another to do something about it.
"It is common sense that we are going to have to do something about it, " he said.