• What Bryce is mostly selling is American involvement in the world as the only true path to energy security as a counterweight to the impossible dream of energy independence and the nightmarish policies it has spawned.

    FORBES: Reflections And Lessons On Energy Challenges

  • Yet Nkoloso's desire to dream the impossible has found a new, alternative, home inside De Middel's images, striking a chord with captivated audiences around the world.


  • The new political venture famously earned a musical endorsement from Alice Sheridan, who sang 'The Impossible Dream' to mark its creation.

    BBC: The rise and fall of Tommy Sheridan and the left

  • The dream of being a writer and the price one has to pay for excellence are impossible to demonstrate or, really, even to fathom.

    NEWYORKER: A Talent to Abuse

  • Similarly, it is impossible for even the most loving coach to get people outside the box of their dream-like condition without inducing a certain amount of trauma as an unintended byproduct.

    FORBES: A Wake-Up Call For Leadership

  • The fact that we even call the type of agreement that adequately starts to address our multiple needs a "grand bargain" as if it were some impossible dream reveals much about the current state of play in our nation's capital.

    CNN: Cliff deal hollow victory for American people

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