These are the rewards that go to those who keep the pot boiling.
Proceeds from the sale, if allowed, would go into a special pot to help finance conservation, anti-poaching and, at least in theory, rural development for local people, most of whom regard elephants as a destructive nuisance.
In Powerball, half the proceeds go into the pot: 30% to Powerball grand prize winners, 20% to lesser winners.
While temptations exist to go with earlier alternatives, Skype and Wicoms are giving away the router during October to help sweeten the pot, even for those outlets that drop the Skype WiFi solution later on.
So wherever possible, try to keep consolidating your pensions into one pot as you go along.
Should the Romneys take up residence, no doubt the liquor cabinets will be among the first to go, soon followed by the tea caddy and the coffee pot.
FORBES: How Would A Romney Administration Affect The White House Kitchen
They must go back to the core DNA of the brand and ensure that every pot and pan, every slipcover and throw pillow is unique and of the highest quality possible.
There is no magic pot of money that is going to be created out of thin air to go on top of that.
Having won their last two matches 3-0, confidence had been growing in the Scotland camp but the rankings slip likely to follow from this defeat may impact on which pot Craig Levein's men go into in the upcoming World Cup qualifying draw.
If you assume that the IMF kept stumping up its share of rescue funds, the pot would be just enough to see Spain through the next three years without having to go to the markets: but it is nowhere near enough to cover Italy too.
I'll put a pot of coffee on, and then I'll go into my bedroom, drop to my knees and pray that my beautiful child is only wounded.
According to the people, players would be fined for mistakes or poor plays, the money would go into a pot, and then it would be distributed for hard hits that knocked opponents out of games, with payments into and out of the pot tracked throughout the seasons.
He reckons that - by putting all his life savings into the pot - he and his partner have enough cash to hold out for a year before they will go bankrupt.