Matters are made vastly worse by President Obama's decisions to hollow out the United States military.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Help Wanted: A national security president
After all, shariah is a seditious ideology and totalitarian program explicitly designed to hollow out, and ultimately to destroy, representative government and the civil liberties that are enshrined in our Constitution.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The King Hearings were Taboo-Busters
The combined effect of such steps will be to hollow-out the military in a manner reminiscent of the condition the armed forces were in during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.
While this initiative is most ill-advised and, in its own right, is inimical to the readiness and good-order-and-discipline of the U.S. military, its negative impact will be greatly magnified by the myriad other elements of Team Obama's campaign to hollow-out America's defense capabilities.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Destroying The U.S. Military From Within
The Commander-in-Chief has a responsibility to appreciate that we have but one military and wartime is an especially ill-advised moment to undermine, hollow-out or otherwise assault it.
Your attempt to make hay out of his humorous statements rings completely hollow, especially to anyone who is really familiar with his personality.
In Africa and India, papers argue that the slogan "never again" has proved hollow, as attempts to wipe out ethnic or religious minorities have continued worldwide.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | World press digests Auschwitz lessons
As computers hollow out, value migrates to the search and sort function.
"There was but one way to go from Possum Hollow -- that was up and out, " he once said.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'
There's a woman in the store-signage business, figuring out a way to make grocery store placards that are hollow--using less material and costing 20% less to produce.
Worse yet, legislators are actively contemplating steps that will not just hollow out our military, but eviscerate it - an irresistible invitation to aggression by freedom's foes.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rep. Howard 'Buck' McKeon, Keeper of the Flame
Nvidia Chief Executive Jen-Hsun Huang has a bold plan that could hollow video game consoles out, and place the powerful graphics processors used to power immersive digital experiences into the cloud.
To create each embryo, they took the DNA out of an egg, so that it was hollow, and replaced it with the skin cell's DNA instead.
The unemployment rate dipped to 8.6 percent but it was a hollow improvement caused by over 300, 000 people dropping out of the work force, giving up looking for a job, waiting at home for more government handouts which will no doubt be coming soon with great fanfare about how the government is helping the unemployed in a tough time.
FORBES: The President's Premature Celebration -- An Ugly Win
We can hollow out our military but that does not mean that others won't see it as an invitation to pursue their interests - at our expense.