If they enter jointly, they should be sure to include all required information and documents for each spouse and clearlyindicate their intention to disclose jointly.
Australia has gone two decades without a serious downturn, leading most to believe that house prices move in only one direction, despite historical data which clearlyindicate that the ratio of home prices to income has always fluctuated around a stagnant long term average.
"These studies clearlyindicate that atrazine is detrimental to amphibians, " said Dr Tyrone Hayes, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California at Berkeley.
Which of the offering documents related to the hedge, venture capital and private equity funds in which the pension invests clearlyindicate that these investments are highly speculative, illiquid and involve a high degree of risk?
Clearly, the actions of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara indicate that he wants to send a message to those involved in the expert network and hedge fund industries.