He encouraged business leaders to look upon the London Stock Exchange as the world's "most approachable" financial market.
Aside from a careful examination of the rulings on these subjects issued by the relevant Shariah authorities, a problem in any event if they have not published rulings in these areas, one would be well-advised to look to the classical Shariah authorities upon which these contemporary Shariah authorities rely as authoritative in their SCF rulings.
For posed family photographs, I usually look to private family hallways as the canvas upon which to create a composition.
But by the same token, this official was careful to point out that we should not look upon this as being the opening of a new front.
Whereas Americans used to look upon Wilberforce, in a fuzzy way, as an equivalent of Abraham Lincoln, the British abolitionist has now acquired fans on the religious right.
While both club captain Puyol, 34, and Xavi, 32, are significant figures at the club, Barcelona officials are likely to look upon the extension of Messi's deal as the most important.
CNN: Messi joins Xavi and Puyol in agreeing new Barcelona deals
The day when the big multinationals look as much to, if not more to China is upon us.
They look upon it as doing another film, it just happens to be in another language.
As awareness of these results spreads, LPs should come to look more favorably upon sponsor-to-sponsor deals.
Then again, more than a few international CEOs probably would also look upon BP's travails in the U.S. as a reason not to invest in America too.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Bob Dudley: Three Years After the Spill, BP Gets Bullish
If you are in any doubt as to whether stealing digital goods is frowned upon by the law, take a look at some of the penalties imposed for illegally downloading music.
FORBES: I Downloaded Pirated Android Apps - Will The Feds Come Kick My Door Down?
The signpost, just a few years old, was chipped at the edges to make it look as if it was something Davy Crockett may have used, and the names carved upon it encapsulated the heroic human endeavour necessary to chart the world before satellites made this task obsolete.
BBC: Why modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world