No, it's very hard to make a film about your family, in whatever circumstance.
"I've been thinking about trying to make a film for a while, " admits Grandage.
BBC: Grandage reveals who snapped up his ?10 theatre tickets
So to make a film which does well on both the sides of the country is difficult.
It imbues the film with a sense of place and it's a lovely way to make a film.
Invited into the home of a credulous family, the impostor announces his plan to make a film starring their adult son.
The Danish-born entrepreneur originally sought to make a film about Howard, and ultimately invested in the fashion line Von Dutch Originals in 2000.
In 1942, Orson Welles was sent to Rio to make a film that would strengthen wartime relations between the United States and Latin America.
Al Pacino and Brian de Palma are teaming up for the first time in 20 years to make a film about a disgraced American football coach.
Excitingly, at each event we found a 'rookie reporter' - a member of the public who was good enough to make a film for their local BBC News programme.
Animation itself isn't just for children, but it's a medium they're more familiar with so it's important to make a film that can be understood by both children and adults.
Keen to make a film documenting the plight of this group of people, Freeland headed to Tanzania, the country reported to have one of the biggest albino populations in the world.
So when we had the idea to make a film on this subject we were not sure we would ever be able to get any actual footage of kids surfing trains.
Highlights of the festival include the award-winning La Vie Sur Terre (Life on Earth) by the talented Mauritanian director Abderahmane Sissako, who was commissioned to make a film about the year 2000.
What drew Madonna to make a film about an ambitious, hard-lacquered American woman who sought to carve out a place in British society through pure steeliness of character we shall, of course, never know.
Geraldine was tempted by an offer from Hollywood to make a film of her romance, but Zog assured her that, before they left Albania, he had deposited enough money in overseas accounts to provide for the family's life in exile.
Confronted with one son who wanted to make a film about how tests were ruining his high school, and another son whose stress over the high-stakes tests led him to scratch his legs during his sleep, Michele decided to take the problem seriously.
The cinematographer John Bailey is shooting a portrait of Werner Herzog, the soulful, disaster-prone German director, at the same time that Herzog and Zak Penn, a crass American screenwriter-producer, go off to Loch Ness to make a film about our spiritual need for monsters.
"Congratulations to Clint Eastwood and Matt Damon on their nominations, and I extend my deepest gratitude to my producing partner Lori McCreary, and the entire cast and crew of 'Invictus' for their tireless work to make a film befitting of Nelson Mandela's legacy, " Freeman said.
"Jonathan wanted to make a film about Jamaica and Rastafari and it was very spiritual, " says Kevin Macdonald, who wound up being the third and final director after Chris Blackwell, the founder of Mr. Marley's record label, Island Records, suggested that Mr. Bing give him a call.
Alice Patten appeared with Aamir Khan in the award-winning film Rang De Basanti, playing a young woman who goes to India to make a documentary film about the British rule in the Indian subcontinent.
It would take a lot of guts to make a feature film about Rupert Murdoch, a man who, as head of one of the largest multi-national media conglomerates, controls the fortunes of individuals and entire companies in the entertainment business.
In the process, Sydney "has gone from a place where I couldn't make a film to a place that has arguably the best technical facility in the world, " says nida-trained Luhrmann.
"I wanted to make a culturally indigenous film while avoiding the formulaic subcontinental style, " he says.
Searching for funds to make his film a reality, Salmon turned to Kickstarter, an online fundraising site for creative projects.
When the singer took a year off in 2010 (to rest and make a documentary film about football), he kept his staff on salary.
It is hard to make a wholly boring film out of Mr Leeson's extraordinary story, but the makers of this one have done their best.
Instead of selling the rights to my story, to actually kick in a few hundred dollars -- but I don't think I could do that if I didn't trust Christopher Salmon to make a great little film.
The Warner Bros. film, about a group of ex-CIA operatives out for revenge, stars up-and-comers like Zoe Saldana and Chris Evans, but that doesn't look like it will be enough to make the film a winner at the box office.
FORBES: J-Lo's latest is expected to lead a lackluster box office.