"She would always bring a gift when she came to our office, which is not common, " he said.
Or he said goodbye, in the stairway leading up to our office on North Clark Street in Chicago.
As we drove away from the Green Zone and back to our office in the city, there was a body lying in the road.
And we just -- and since it directly relates to our office, we just thought it might be useful to straighten the record out.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
"Over the years we have provided practical support and guidance to organisations across the UK and are pleased that the health service and government sectors are now expected to report serious breaches, involving sensitive or large volumes of personal data, to our office, " the ICO said in a statement.
When I started my last business in 1993, I remember that our first customer wanted to visit our office.
We had to leave our office a few weeks ago because there wasn't enough water to flush the toilets.
"The first of these firms to email or contact our office about a case gets to handle the case, " he stated.
We were in the dial-up days, dialing up to AOL in our office.
We need something that can be used to remote into our office systems and enter orders and update customer information.
"When we get press inquiries, (regional spokesmen) are supposed to alert our press office, and the central office coordinates all press responses, " Martens told the Enterprise.
As I was preparing for the onslaught of little costumed munchkins to arrive at our office today for our annual family trick-or-treat, I reflected on the diverse array of CMOs I met this year.
Technology has allowed work to follow us home and our home life to the office.
Barack and I did not come into politics to cut public spending, but neither did we seek office to see our great economies decline or to land our children with unsustainable debts.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House
"We have asked the council for the draft budget and all relevant financial documents because we want to do a forensic examination at our head office of their finances to see where other savings could be made to avoid this, " he said.
In other words, we've put our cards on the table: According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), our plan puts the federal budget on the path to balance without resorting to job-destroying tax hikes.
Which brings us to our first rule of office dating: Avoid a supervisor-supervisee relationship.
"This means we might not be able to meet our box-office goal for the year, " Tian said.
These days most of us have adapted to carrying around a portal to the office in our pockets.
While we might think our obligations to the office end after COB (Close of Business), employers think of us as representing them 24-7.
FORBES: Should your boss have veto power over your Facebook profile?
Let me explain how the investigation came to be handled by our office rather than by the Department of Justice or by some other independent counsel.
Bush, the second son of a president to attain the office, made our list of the richest presidents partly based on his claim to a family fortune, but mostly because of a windfall on his investment in the Texas Rangers baseball franchise.
SAG-AFTRA, the actors union, "immediately reached out to the casting office when the notice was brought to our attention so we could discuss the specific language used, " it said in a statement sent to CNN Wednesday.
Indeed, when our office sought to have the Supreme Court of the United States decide all three privilege claims at once this past June, the administration opposed expedited consideration.
Such a tax would help to remind our elected officials that the purpose of elected office is to serve the public, not themselves.
They declined to answer our questions and instead referred us to the Shanghai Information Office (SIO) where an employee, who declined to give her name, advised us to check their website for updates.
We used Box Office Mojo to look at the box office returns for 675 summer releases going back to 2006 to create our list.
Our biggest task in assuming office as it related to the financial crisis was getting our economy back on track and taking the necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that it never happened again.