Detroit badly needs to pull into the city dollars from suburbs like Oakland County, one of the nation's richest counties.
To test the premise, researchers designed a tray that was too heavy for a single monkey to pull into the cage.
There was no lay-by for us to pull into and let him by, and the Dormobile can't get above 25mph on serious hills.
This kind of functionality would be invaluable for, say, bloggers wanting to turn years of writing into a book, or for companies with material scattered across departments that they want to pull together into a single publication.
The second is the effort to pull this into a system providing reliable and affordable electricity.
But the Chinese are just doing what they need to do to pull themselves into security and affluence.
He had 10 points in the period, while Arthur scored five straight to pull Memphis into an 89-all tie.
Without trying to pull you into the Mitt Romney debate, but in point of fact, they did go through bankruptcy.
But Mr Bairstow then slipped and the crocodile grabbed his legs, trying to pull them into the water, Mr Shean said.
"We have to be extremely calm against all kinds of provocations that are trying to pull us into the swamp in Syria, " Mr. Erdogan said in Istanbul.
The ways to deal with the threat include simply flying a spacecraft into an errant asteroid or either attaching one to it or parking one alongside it, like a gravity tractor, to pull it into another orbit.
When I made that comparison yesterday, however, readers left some compelling comments for and against, so I want to revisit the argument from a reader standpoint and to do those justice we need to pull Google into the same ring.
That was when Mariano Rivera took it upon himself to pull Nova back into line.
Gasol scored six straight points to pull the Lakers into the first tie of the quarter.
The Obama administration is trying to pull us back into what astronomers would call the pre-Copernican world.
Time and again it tried to pull itself back into the shelter of the wing, but the wind was relentless.
Sanctuary can lock down opposing forces to prevent them from moving, then utilize outmaneuver cards to pull them right into oncoming traffic.
In other market information systems, a user would have to pull the numbers into Excel and make the currency conversions manually, he said.
FORBES: Thomson Reuters Brings Google-Like Search To Market Information
The frock coat full of wadding, cut close to pull the figure into shape, gradually gave way to a looser but still precise jacket.
Why would Microsoft want to pull iOS users into their orbit?
FORBES: Microsoft Pulls Apple Closer To The Windows Phone Ecosystem
An exchange of penalties followed after the break before Guy Mercer went over to pull Bath back into the match, but Wasps held on to win.
And although I only have word-of-mouth information on his trapeze abilities, and a picture of his tree climbing, I actually got to witness his ability to walk on his hands, starting from a sitting position on the floor where he was positioned alongside the many tables set-up at the awards banquet, he was able to pull himself up into a handstand, and walk on his hands.
As is the case with most WinPho upgrades, you'll have to plug the polycarbonate slab into Zune to pull down several new performance enhancements and features.
New reservations continue at a steady, although slower pace in Q1 2013, as compared to December, due in part to the pull ahead of reservations into Q4 by customers seeking to avoid the price increase.
FORBES: Elon Musk: Bad Review In New York Times Cost Tesla $100 Million
However, he said that he was not tempted to turn it into a commercial venture to pull in more money.
The bill could make it harder for many Americans to pay their bills and purchase necessities like food and clothing, if they aren't able to reach into their pockets and pull out a card to pay for their purchases.
FORBES: Wal-Mart and Target may profit more than anyone else.
It may also be a way to pull settlement money directly into state coffers and bypass taxing authorities.
FORBES: New York AG's Private Equity Investigation: Money Grab or Shameless Politics?
Webber and Crompton snatched another try apiece to pull the Manchester side into a 22-16 lead and within sight of victory.
It's certainly not unbearable, but this isn't something you're going to slip into a bag and pull out on the subway to read with.
ENGADGET: Samsung ATIV SmartPC for AT&T hands-on (update: video)