To put it simply, I wanted people to be taught what no one taught me!
Or, to put it simply, "there is significant discrimination against regional accents, " she said via e-mail.
CNN: Regional accents thrive in U.S. -- but is that a good thing?
To put it simply: Older generations of Americans are not passing along the Christian faith as effectively as their forebears.
To put it simply, thinking about the planet under pressure is still framed mainly in terms of problem-solving.
To put it simply, the plan includes a redesign of internal battery components to minimize chances of a short circuit.
"It's going to be an irritant and, to put it simply, the embargo will stay for a longer period, " said the administrator.
To put it simply: Reich believes that the cart pushes the horse.
To put it simply: lenders should not set up consumers to fail.
To put it simply, social impact bonds went from concept to execution faster than any other social innovation we have seen in years.
FORBES: Social Innovation in Acceleration: Building the Social Impact Bond Ecosystem
Five years down the line you are going to get bones breaking or to put it simply you roll over in bed and break a hip.
"To put it simply, you walk into a factory, you press a button, and the pipes are ready for delivery the next morning, " he says.
To put it simply, we need to worry a lot less about how to communicate our actions and much more about what our actions communicate (p. 4).
To put it simply, addiction is inherited and is part of a series of genetic traits, some of which have now been identified on the human genome.
FORBES: Winehouse Death Renews Debate About Addiction and Choice
The goal, to put it simply, is for the deficit to be in the range of 3 percent of our economy by the middle of the decade.
To put it simply, they decide to stay informal because the total costs of entry, operation and exit associated with joining the formal sector are greater than the potential benefits.
To put it simply, as long as investment yields exceed underwriting losses, the way to maximise shareholder value is to underwrite as much risk as possible with as little capital as possible.
To put it simply, users must track and protect less passwords, less passwords need to be changed in response to business events, and access control rights are easier to review when some consistency exists between installed applications across an enterprise.
FORBES: Bad Password Management Will Stop You in Your Tracks
To put it more simply he wants the world to send out the message that the IMF will stand behind big countries, who might get into trouble if this crisis persists, such as Italy and Spain.
We face a crisis of, to put it very simply, bureaucratic bloat.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 2011 Freedom Flame Award: John Lehman
To put it very simply, Sarbanes-Oxley has made going public far less attractive to smaller, innovative companies lacking the infrastructure to comply with the law.
FORBES: A Decline In U.S. Startups Through the Eyes of Bruce Bartlett
So, while politicians may suggest prosperity was the key to recent falling crime, others continue to put it down to improved home security or simply that items like electronic goods became so cheap they were no longer worth pinching.
It simply intends to put the burdens of government justly upon the backs of the people.
The issue is people waste money in a sales situation that could be put to good use whether it is simply to add to lifestyle, pay down debt, or to invest.
FORBES: Seller beware: don't give away the store when selling
That is, to put it as gently as I can, simply nonsense.
FORBES: The Henry Blodget Edition of Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Put simply, others strive to reveal it because we demand and consume it.
FORBES: Zero Dark Thirty, The Academy Awards, And The Perils Of Disclosure