It knows he has received a treatment and that he has the best conditions to recuperate.
Pietersen first experienced discomfort earlier this year and missed the one-day series against West Indies to recuperate.
And people generally have the day off for the long weekend to recuperate from over-indulging and, well, shop.
He said doctors advised them against flying and they decided the ship would be a good place to recuperate.
Hillary wanted very much to be here today, but she continues to recuperate.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates John Kerry for Secretary of State | The White House
He left the hospital late Wednesday afternoon to return to his Boston home to recuperate for the next several days.
Bedingfield is unlikely to attend the Brits, as he planned to stay in the country for three months to recuperate.
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Nadal will stay in Doha for two more days to recuperate before the start of the Australian Open on 17 January.
So on the one hand he's striking an optimistic tone, saying he expects to come back and he expects to recuperate.
Gladys Richards was admitted to Gosport War Memorial Hospital (GWMH) in August 1998 to recuperate after a hip operation following a fall.
She was there to recuperate after a hip operation following a fall.
In 2004, however, Jobs wrote in a note to employees that he would take August to recuperate, and then return to work.
The tour left him with little time to recuperate and he struggled badly as a result, suffering numerous similar problems during the 2002 season.
There is precious little time for his aching muscles to recuperate.
Walters will have surgery later this week to replace a faulty heart valve, and will take the summer off from The View talk show to recuperate.
Chavez allies, including a majority of lawmakers in the country's congress, have said he should remain in power while taking the time he needs to recuperate.
We are still able to recuperate from the spill, from the depleting fish stock, and are capable and able of restoring places to their natural state.
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Clinton was moved out of the intensive care unit Wednesday and into a regular hospital room, where he is expected to continue to recuperate for several days.
In it, Woolf - using established letter-writing conventions - takes advantage of the time lapses between exchanges to recuperate, clarify, recast and take control of the argument.
Scotland now have two weeks to recuperate before a trip to Dublin against an Ireland side who lost in France on Saturday, but who showed signs of resurgence with a thrilling second-half fight-back.
"They should not have to recuperate in sub-standard housing, nor should they be expected to tackle mountains of paperwork and bureaucratic processes in this difficult period for themselves and their families, " Gates said.
Well, with rehab going along smoothly and football fans everywhere imploring Redskins head coach Mike Shanahan to better protect this emerging NFL star, RGIII has found himself a nice place to recuperate and settle down with his soon-to-be bride.
"The doctors tell us it is in Gareth's interest to rest and recuperate this week and his situation will be assessed on a daily basis, but we are still hopeful that he will travel with us to Ireland, " Johnson said.
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Decision 2 was to let the banking industry recuperate on its own sweet time.
He subsequently returned to his country to be with his family and recuperate.
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She said Tucker would probably be in the hospital for six to 10 days, then would recuperate over the next eight weeks.