Like many strong and smart companies looking to reestablish their why and wherefore, Coca-Cola went back to go forward.
FORBES: Coca-Cola Takes A Branding Cue From Use What You've Got For a Fresh, New Start
Defibrillators, implantable devices that deliver an electric shock to the heart to reestablish normal rhythm, began widespread clinical adoption in 2003.
It will be the opportunity that content producers like Time Inc. have been waiting for to reestablish value for quality digital content.
Nevertheless, that Iran has its own interest, a proud, ancient culture trying to reestablish itself as the regional power in the Middle East.
Sometimes I had to walk around my house, waiting for a connection to reestablish itself. (Metal doors and thick walls can block a Bluetooth signal).
WSJ: Track Your Lost iPhone and Other Gear With These Gizmos
Third, Americans need to reestablish that success is a good thing.
"In order to give the bear population a chance to reestablish itself in Switzerland, circumstances sometimes arise when unfortunately an individual must be killed, " it said.
CNN: Switzerland's only wild bear is killed as a danger to humans
Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874 require Pyongyang to suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program and to reestablish a moratorium on missile launches.
But don't look to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Chief Henry Paulson or any other policymaker to reestablish the long-cut link between the greenback and gold.
Mr. CLEMENS: Well, Venezuela - well, Chavez has made very clear in statements just yesterday that he's willing to reestablish full diplomatic ties with the United States.
But Baumgartner was miraculously able to reestablish control and complete his record-breaking fall, landing softly on his feet before dropping to his knees with fists raised in triumph.
FORBES: Watch Felix Baumgartner's First-Person View Of His Death Spin
Speedy Congressional action will be necessary to reestablish the PCAOB or a comparable regulatory authority within the SEC, if we want to continue independent regulation of the audit firms.
FORBES: PCAOB Auditor Identification Proposal Signals Slow But Steady Reform
Cape Town banker Bill McAdam had bought the place four years earlier and started ripping out the orchards and tea fields to allow the native vegetation to reestablish itself.
It will be very difficult for Washington, even when the time comes to try to reestablish a relationship, to deal with this public distaste out there among the American public.
So we prevent that from happening and try to reestablish the homeowner into not only keeping their home, but also giving them a financial strategy to prevent the foreclosure from happening again.
It took the Kremlin years to reestablish a commercial foothold in the country, and while dealings with Baghdad have more or less stabilized, officials in Moscow are in no hurry to repeat the experience.
One, to try to reestablish from the outside or at least pressure this administration from the outside to develop a central organizing principle for American foreign policy that is based on US strength and values.
And it may be that Republicans in the House and the Senate increasingly find themselves in need of differentiating themselves from the Democrats because they want to reestablish a clear identity for the Republican Party in anticipation of the '08 elections.
Faced with a deteriorating stock price and a culture that some have described as caustic, her actions as CEO to bring people back from the bedroom and into the office could be read as an attempt to reestablish the power of place.
"The pace and the extent of the return of Iraqi crude to the market remain unclear at the present time, as this country, with its proud OPEC heritage, seeks to reestablish itself on the world energy scene, " is how Abdullah put it.
It would also result in disruption and layoffs at the contractor and subcontractor facilities around the country and necessitate a time-consuming and expensive effort to reestablish the line involving requalification of myriad vendors and the painful resumption of the build-up to full-rate production.
Police decided to send a team of SWAT officers up a ladder in the middle of the crane "to try to reestablish communications with him and to, hopefully, safely get him down from the crane so we could get him whatever help he needed, " he said.
To help reestablish itself, the small Catholic hospital has hired Michael Poon as its director of cardiology.
His ultimate goal: to use them to help reestablish American history--primarily from historical documents--in the core curricula of secondary schools and universities.
The goal is to simplify complicated controls that distract and kill the pleasure of driving, as well as to help reestablish Cadillac as a leader in automotive technology.
Neither will we reestablish the industrial base to build more than a handful of weapons.
The only missions that we are contemplating and discussing with the Afghans involves counterterrorism operations against al Qaeda, which we would need to carry out to ensure that al Qaeda cannot reestablish a safe haven in Afghanistan, and then continued training of Afghan forces.
Requiring expedited votes on economically significant or controversial agency rules before they become binding on the population would reestablish congressional accountability, helping to fulfill a principle of 'no regulation without representation.
Mr. RALPH LATORTUE (Haiti's Consul General for South Florida): President Preval sent a message to the international community asking for help and demanding, if possible, to have military bridges so they can reestablish communication with the rest of the country.