In the U.S., the National Taxpayers Union asked taxpayers to resist such aid, from whatever government.
Guru Hargobind started to militarise Sikhs so that they would be able to resist any oppression.
And people seem unable to resist the very dangerous temptation to shine them at aircraft.
The temptation to reach again for the top prize in politics will be hard to resist.
In spite of his isolation, he has managed to resist the pressure on the British rebate.
Scientists might even have time to produce drugs and vaccines to resist the worst threats.
The Swiss have tried in the past to resist upward pressure on their currency.
Though Mr. Miranda says he is game to try wrapping anything, occasionally he has to resist.
WSJ: To Meet the Biggest Wrap Stars, Stroll Through the Miami Airport
The hearing sounded a clarion call for politicians to resist the desire to constantly overregulate.
He has absolute power, and it will be hard to resist the Dark Side.
And because it's a relatively new virus, most dogs don't have immunity to resist it.
The German chancellor has tried to resist this, but has relented as the crisis has deepened.
He has been right to resist, with minor exceptions, calls for a wave of protectionism.
Will Witty be able to resist megadeals going forward if his company remains under pressure?
Even my teen-age son found the sight of their proverbial busyness hard to resist.
Enormous conviction is needed to resist this wasteful dissipation of energy into make-work techno-management.
And it involves encouraging governors to resist the temptation to irreversibly expand Medicaid.
It will take all of Mr Erdogan's skills to resist pressure to go into Iraq.
Thomson's results may not have been strong enough to resist the stock market's gravitational pull.
And yet I continue to resist moving to the iPhone or a Droid device.
FORBES: BlackBerry Made Me A Loser. But Could Microsoft Make Me A Winner?
It's hard to resist the thought that, eventually, a darker reality will show through.
We reaffirmed our commitment to resist protectionism and to achieve strong, sustainable, and balanced growth.
WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting
Teacher unions have often been the only group poised to resist authoritarian school reformers.
Cowie said that the option of continuing to play under Mackay was too hard to resist.
Dark matter has nothing to resist gravity, so it collapses in on itself rapidly.
That can lead it to resist the interest-rate cuts which some are now urging on it.
Still, the lure of all that potential fee revenue may be too strong to resist.
WSJ: Airline Cancellation Fees and Penalties Are a Big Business
But even the devil-may-care pages of the Dandy have been unable to resist changing values.
Kraft is as keen to get hold of Cadbury as the British chocolate-maker is to resist.
Though Mr Bercow campaigned for his new job, he might have done better to resist.
ECONOMIST: It��s best not to know how John Bercow was elected