And it involves encouraging governors to resist the temptation to irreversibly expand Medicaid.
The key is to resist the temptation to identify the outcome you want to achieve.
Politicians cannot be trusted to resist the temptation of balancing the budget by underfunding defined benefit plans.
To be a little hungry and yet to resist the temptation of eating.
It is really tough to resist the temptation to try and do it.
The key to profitability for the smaller services is to resist the temptation to grow and to focus exclusively on retaining existing customers.
Instead, angry former employers often fail to resist the temptation to use the U5 as a way to get in a few parting shots.
FORBES: Broker and Brokerage Firm Earn TKOs in U5 Expungement / Promissory Note Arbitration
We should try to resist the temptation to over-regulate boards and leave them the freedom and responsibility to become more effective on their own initiative.
In the past, I have almost always advised retiring public sector employees to resist the temptation to take their accumulated pension benefit in a lump sum.
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Carnival has to resist the temptation to explain, minimize, or justify what happened and position itself instead as part of the solution to the problems that caused the disaster.
The ugly and rather futile history of the Wright Amendment should be a powerful persuader for Washington to resist the temptation to try to restrict this breakthrough in the name of protecting existing carriers.
The other salient point about FTL is that it is an amazingly successful game: the major challenge to writing about it is that it is difficult to resist the temptation to start playing it instead.
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But the ACLU expressed concern that TSA officers would not be able to resist the temptation to save images of certain people, such as celebrities, and that the plan to blur faces might later be changed.
Agar looks set to resist the temptation to throw Reardon straight into the side for the trip to St Helens on Easter Monday, despite naming the player in his 19-man squad for the game at Knowsley Road.
The Stade Francais player was - like a good number seven - unable to resist the temptation to clear out English players at a ruck and when the ball fell loose he was not there to control it.
As work merges with life and life with work, it is more important than ever for employers to draw clear work-life boundaries and for employees to resist the temptation to blur the lines between their work and private lives.
As we democratize language and literacy we have to resist the temptation to see in its evolution a sort of breakdown or moral failure simply because not everyone speaks or writes as well as the Bard or as Ralph Fiennes.
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At last year's meeting, however, directors persuaded 73% of those voting to resist the temptation to grab the money and run, arguing that they would get better value in the long run from having their mortgages and savings with a mutual organisation.
ECONOMIST: Nationwide Building Society: Floating in limbo | The
In fairness, the committee has done well to resist the common temptation, when looking at things superficially, to name and blame a particular party, or even a particular person, like the Obama government clearly could not avoid the same temptation in the weeks following the disaster, explicitly and exclusively heaping blame on BP and its CEO Tony Hayward in particular.
FORBES: The BP oil rig disaster -- better brace yourself: there is surely more to come
And people seem unable to resist the very dangerous temptation to shine them at aircraft.
By the same token, even if it is Mr Netanyahu who triumphs, Mr Obama must resist the temptation to conclude that the conflict is deadlocked and nothing can be done for now.
"The United States must, in particular, resist the temptation to appease its allies in the hope that, by so doing, some vestige of the needed multilateral export control regime can be preserved, " Gaffney concluded.
Will Democratic politicians so anxious to demean George Bush's presidency and seek partisan advantage by pandering to the American people's penchant for ignoring, rather than confronting, emerging threats resist the temptation to embrace Fox Fallon?
The cardinal paid tribute to organisations which have been helping asylum seekers and said he would "resist the temptation" to be ashamed of his city because he knew it could do better.
One thing I want to emphasize, and I'm saying this because I couldn't resist the temptation to watch a little bit of some of this coverage last night on TV.
The Constitution protects us from our own best intentions: It divides power among sovereigns and among branches of government precisely so that we may resist the temptation to concentrate power in one location as an expedient solution to the crisis of the day.
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Congress should resist the temptation to use Keystone XL as an opportunity for political brinkmanship.
Messrs Mann and Ornstein resist the temptation to look at congressional history through rose-tinted spectacles.
I'll resist the temptation to speculate on the quality of something thrown away by Scots.