• Mr Berlusconi failed to remind the Russian Government to abide by the rule of law.

    BBC: Silvio Berlusconi

  • Another amendment requires the government to "rule the country by law, " the first-ever such reference in the Constitution.


  • "People need to abide by the rule of law, " he said.

    BBC: North Belfast riots: Martin McGuinness blames bigotry

  • The manual provides that, subject to any applicable rule of international law or to any regulations prescribed by the president, military commissions shall be guided by the appropriate principles of law and rules of procedure and evidence prescribed for courts-martial.

    CNN: Tribunals break sharply from civilian courts

  • For nine hours on December 1st, witnesses held forth on the threat to the rule of law posed by false testimony.

    ECONOMIST: Impeachment

  • We should offer an example of moral leadership in the world, committed to treat people humanely, abide by the rule of law, and be generous and caring to our neighbors.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ideologically disarmed

  • Highly populated places can prosper when people are free to start businesses, keep most of what they earn and are protected by the Rule of Law, especially pertaining to property rights and individual equality.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Highly populated places can prosper when people are free to start businesses, keep most of what they earn and are protected by the Rule of Law, especially pertaining to property rights and individual equality before the law.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • We have received sanctimonious lectures from the other side of the aisle about the rule of law, but the law does not permit perjury to be proved by the uncorroborated testimony of one witness nor does the law recognizes corroboration, the fact that the witness made the same statement to several different people.

    CNN: Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler

  • It creates an unfair, jump-the-gun, time-to-market advantage, by ignoring the rule of law standard of securing permission from property owners before use in the marketplace, a business practice that law-abiding competitors must respect.

    FORBES: The Evidence Google's Systematic Theft is Anti-Competitive

  • Despite the calls in Washington for some sort of sanctions, Mr Bush is still backing Russia's bid to join the WTO because he believes that having to live by its rules will strengthen the rule of law in Russia.

    ECONOMIST: Candid words on Russia's drift from democracy | The

  • In the next few months, it is due to rule on the validity of a law pushed through by Mr Uribe which changes the constitution to allow a president to seek a second term.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • The secret of growth was then not just to strengthen the market but to cut the costs of doing business, to improve education and skills, to upgrade technology and, especially, to strengthen public institutions by reducing corruption and improving the rule of law.

    ECONOMIST: A paean of faint praise to the World Development Report

  • "Any company that abides by the law has nothing to fear from this rule, " said Linda Ricci, a budget office spokeswoman.

    CNN: Clinton contracting rules opposed by business

  • Opponents of the BNP and its allies argue they should be excluded from payments if they fail to abide by rules on "human rights" and "rule of law".

    BBC: BNP rejects calls to curb its EU money as 'totalitarianism'

  • Ian Paisley's declaration since that his party "will not be found wanting" if republicans, in his words, "complete the transition to democracy and the rule of law", has been welcomed by pro-agreement politicians but it has rocked sections of his party and his traditional supporters.

    BBC: Profile: Ian Paisley

  • Over the course of the House managers' presentation last week, I confess I was struck by how often they referred to the significance of the rule of law.

    CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement

  • According to the report, conflict environments, characterized by a breakdown in the rule of law and a prevailing climate of impunity, create the conditions whereby parties, emboldened by their weapons, power and status, essentially enjoy free reign to inflict sexual violence, with far-reaching implications for efforts to consolidate peace and secure development.

    UN: Security Council

  • We should all feel entitled to live in a nation based on fairness, rule of law, and run by and for the people.

    FORBES: Wall Street Has Been Entitled, NOT Occupy Wall Street

  • The Volcker rule was mandated by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Financial Reform law to prevent banks that receive government backstops like deposit insurance from making risky trades that could endanger taxpayer and depositor funds.

    MSN: House panel seeks alternatives to Volcker rule

  • These are the kind of dirty tricks conservatives are accusing Clinton of having committed, that Nixon committed (but they seem to be perfectly acceptable when practiced by prosecutors in the name of the "rule of law").

    CNN: Ken Starr's testimony: What readers thought

  • Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law.

    FORBES: Majority Of Americans Now Favors Marijuana Legalization, Study Finds

  • Mr Powers has urged lawmakers to amend the law by capping the number of students who can be admitted under the rule at half of a state university's class.

    ECONOMIST: Affirmative action

  • The oath taken by public officials and the military is designed to uphold the Constitution and preserve the rule of law.

    CNN: Sen. Allard's closed-door impeachment statement

  • It said Mr Obama had "immediately after his election, put an end to an approach to the challenges to national security... considered by Italy and the European Union not compatible with fundamental principles of rule of law".

    BBC: Italy Abu Omar rendition: Col Romano pardoned in CIA case

  • Banning hate speech makes sense to me, and I can make a pretty good case against incitement to violence, particularly in a society that is mostly at peace and lives more or less by the rule of law.

    FORBES: Did Government Entity Threaten Free Speech In America?

  • He wants the network's users to solve the problems, but a community on its own is far less effective than one backed by the rule of law, as eBay clearly demonstrates.

    BBC: Staying safe and taking risks

  • The Court is an extraordinary institution in the work it does and in the work it can do for the American people by advancing the tenets of our Constitution, by upholding the rule of law, and by enabling all Americans, regardless of their background or their beliefs, to get a fair hearing and an equal chance at justice.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

  • One part of the new law, the Volcker rule, was designed to limit risk-taking in particular, trading by banks for their own profit rather than for customers, known as proprietary trading.

    WSJ: Goldman Turns Tables on Obama Campaign

  • Those institutions include sound money, private property rights protected by the rule of law and limited government, interest rates and other relative prices that are free to move in line with market forces, and taxes and regulations that do not destroy incentives to work, save, and invest.

    FORBES: Ben Bernanke's QE4: Another Step Toward Helicopter Money, And Away From Freedom

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